Introduction Hello. My name is David Puckeridge and this websitey thing is brought to you by the lovely Sherrie Sherwood Hip Hip Hoorayyyyyyyyyy!!!!! In this introduction I shall say "fishy" a lot and annoy you with many big HIP HIP HOORAYYYYYYYYYYS!!!!!!!!!!!! On a more serious note, 70 people have died in a snowmobile accident just outside of Alice Springs. Gristle Fern is a grotty little comic that any self respecting humanoid should avoid at all costs, it smells rotten and oozes negativity. Buy it now! Buy it now! You'll love it, really you will, buy it you bastard, I slaved away for half a fucking year on that thing. BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUY IT!!!! BUY IT!!!!! I'm starving to death here!!!!! No, I'm not really, I just say that. Let me tell you a little about the history of Gristle Fern (since 1996) smug smug. One day I was eating chops that had lots of GRISTLE on them. Then I went outside, and looked at a FERN. After all this happened, I decided to bring these two elements together as ONE. GRISTLE FERN was born!!!!!!!! ....and the wind cried Mary................. "GRISTLE FERN"....and I use the term lightly, albeit in heavy type, was greeted with a loud, resounding BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO when first launched. Now, years later, I have absolutely no idea what people think of it. Nah, not true, most people I've shown it to seem to like it. Ooh-errrrrrrr!! (Ooh-errrrr denotes a double entendre, for those not well versed in English comedy. Number of r's optional.) Anyway, as I was saying, I don't have that good an idea of what people DO actually think of it (you all hate it, don't you!!! Well, I don't care!!!!!!!!!!!) It's my fault, I'm a bit lazy with the distribution.........I aims ta pick it up with this latest issue though, it's 'out there' (grrrrr..) as we speak. Yes, number five, I've just finished it, it's brand spankin' new and I have copies available right now and at the time of writing. Order now! Have credit cards standin' by. |
If you want one, you can write to me on the address mentioned in this site somewhere, I don't think we can magically send one through the magic computer just yet. Or can we? I dunno.........by the way, they cost two dollars each, what am I supposed to live on, hope???!!? Sobs. Yesssss...number five...I'll tell you a bit about it, as the little bit of feedback I have received so far seems to indicate confusion, many bucketloads. It's the "Back in Black" issue, a right damn amusing parody of the AC/DC album of the same name. Where's the lightning bolt key?? So it's black. errrrrr..... Now for the content, cover aside. The main story is a harrowing tale of despair and woe that Sherrie noted was quite depressing, and why don't I just go and kill myself. No, she didn't really say that last bit. What it is, basically, I guess..... is FRUSTRATION!!! GRRRRR n' stuff!!!!!! And plenty of that 'a' word. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's the comic strip we had to have. It's in yer face, homeboy! .....I'm a bit worried that people won't follow it, but then I'm not sure if I follow it myself. So don't follow it! Just look at the pretty pictures. As for the other strips, why, they're simply jolly jape-filled jestfests for all the family to enjoy, or loathe. "Ambulance tour" is a rare appearance of a strip drawn whilst under the influence of herbal medicines, they usually end up on the shelf. "Coach" was the last thing I did for the comic, it's blatant filler and I was very drunk when I did it. Call it an ugly satire of a dirty old man, that's what I call it anyway. Then there's "Baked beans".. it's a true story, folks! Believe it or NUTS! .....and so on and so on. In conclusion, why don't you go stick your nose in a toaster, you silly-looking pile of warm compost.
David Puckeridge