Welcome to the page dedicated to my friends who have stood by me through
BECKY: Since she started working at the same place I do, we've gotten to know each other pretty well. I consider her a very good friend, even tho we've only been talking for the past couple weeks.
BEN (aka El Guapo): I'm not exactly sure how we became friends. I think it's cuz he's quiet so I decided to talk to him. He intrigues me, his mind works so oddly. Ben is one of the most hilarious people I know, and even tho I'm sure he can't stand me, he's worth putting on here.
CHRIS: One of my close friends. He knows a lot about me, but is way cool about keeping it secret. We've shared a lot, and I'm sure we'll go thro a heck of a lot more.
SHELLY: My neighbor. We've been friends since 2ond grade.....shes pretty cool.
LIZ: My best friend. We've been having problems lately, but no matter what, I'm sure we'll always be close.
NIKI (aka NikersW): My one friend that's actually shorter than me! We're not as close as we used to be, but I still consider her a good friend.
KELLIE (aka Katreal): One of the very few people who hates hypocrites as much as I do. She's basically the only person that ever was (or maybe ever will be) on the same wavelength as me. That's probably why we're so close. This is All
BAS (aka Deathwatch): Well, we rarely talk anymore, but he's still a good friend.
JOHN (aka Tails): A guy from Ireland who's pretty awesome. He always is good for a laugh, cuz he types so fast he misspells quite a bit. I shouldn't pick on him tho, or he'll get revenge later. *grin*
KEVIN: even tho we've been thro a lot, I'm deciding whether he's worth being on here or not. now that he has a new girlfriend who is extremely jealous of everyone he even talks to (so I hear), he hasn't so much as given a thought to many of his FORMER friends. I still care about him tons. maybe one of these days I'll wake up.
AARON (aka ARON): What a guy. He's a total sweetheart, but rips on me constantly. That's ok tho, because I have some things I can blackmail him with, if he ever makes me too angry. *grins*
ROB (aka lurch): I've known
him for a while, but we've only recently been talking more. I'm definitely
going to stay friends w/ him tho, because he calls me a "goddess."
*grins* Smart person!