Hey, this page is an attempt to let other people know about what is
going on in my life.
5/13/99: (Thursday) today is my friend Niki's b-day. on the radio this morning they announced it as Micky...hehehe that was pretty cool. about time i update this page, eh? school is almost out..june 2nd, so everyone's pretty up about that. this summer i have to work to save $$ for my trip to France next summer, but i dont work a lot and i get paid decent so im happy. as long as i can pay for some of the trip.......totally diff. subject, but if any of you like ice cream, try the new "honey caramel cashew" it is sooooo good! im not a big honey, caramel, or cashew fan, but this ice cream is really good and if i keep it up im gonna gain weight. :) heh this weekend i get to go get some pics scanned (hopefully they'll turn out this time) at my friends house....and take her on the route i had for my drivers test. ties going for it next wednesday. so the weekend should be fun!
6/3/99: (Thursday) gee, i tend to update this on thursdays, dont i? heh well, Niki got her license. so did Liz and Kevin. its cool, cuz now that a bunch of my friends have their licenses we can all get together and do something. yesterday was my last day of school. its somewhat depressing, but pretty nice too. i hated testing (last two days were finals) but ill miss seeing my friends all the time. altho, this summer is going to be better than last because i can drive and can actually go places this year w/o making my parents or someone else's parents take me. today i get to help my grandma clean out her classroom. ties retired now, and her room is a wreck! i figured id be a good granddaughter and help her out w/ it. :)
6/27/99: (Sunday) what a summer so far! ugh...i work a lot more now. i started as an every friday thing but now im up to wednesdays, saturdays, some thursdays, and most sundays waitressing. i wash dishes once in a while and cook fish fridays. so im basically there every day its open. ah well, its pretty decent, cuz i have most of my spending money saved up for my trip to france. $500 spending and @ $2,000 for the trip. all i have to pay for is the spending $$, but im going to help out on the trip cost too, cuz $2,000 is quite a bit. i have yet to see the new Austin Powers movie. every time i make plans they get screwed up. i did see Star Wars tho. it is really really good. i have to go see it again so i can get more of the little details and such. Big Daddy (w/ adam sandler) looks pretty cute too, i may go see it. heh, so much for all the money im gonna have for france, eh? nah, i usually put my checks in the bank and save the tips for spending. hopefully ill get a day off w/ no cleaning to do around the house so i can finally go have some fun!
(Monday) a lot has happened since i last wrote. i now have
all the spending money for my france trip. i went down to my cousin
kel's a couple weekends ago and had a blast. while i was with her
i bought a shirt that says "cant sleep, clowns will eat me" what
a concept! its so stupid i love it. saturday i went shopping
w/ niki, then at night went to becky's house and watched a couple movies.
saturdays are nice now that i dont have to work. once laura leaves
ill have to work saturdays again, which sucks. that means ill be
working wednesday-sunday. ack! ah well, my paychecks should
be decent. school starts the 25th of this month. blah
im not looking forward to that. the weather here has finally cooled
off again. it was almost 100 f and HUMID but now it only gets around
70 or 80. not tooooo bad. anyways, that's all for now!