Here is my list of personal preferences:
Thanks List
Here's a list of my thank you's....for deserving people....and for all you I forgot, sorry!
MY PARENTS: Cuz w/ out them...I wouldnt really be here...
GOD: Cuz w/ out Him...nothing would be here
LIZ: For always being a best friend when I needed one..and even
when I didnt :) For annoying the heck outta me and letting me do the same
to you.
KELLIE: For being odd. For being my best friend, and my cousin
JOHN (a.k.a. TAILS): For helping w/ everything from my homepage
to my lovelife :) Also for making me laugh.
BAS: For being such a great friend, re-doing my homepage for
MY GRANDPARENTS: For being so totally cool as to take me places
I'd prolly never go California
BETH (a.k.a. Samurai): For being awesome, such a great friend,
and for reminding me to put you on here... :)
CHRIS:For loving me despite my faults, and for being my closest
AARON: For being so sweet, being there for me, being the first
to prove that not all men are heartless....and for showing me such a good
time there.
KEVIN: For joining me in my quest for an anti-preppy world,
and for being like a brother to me.