This page is stuff that I wrote....some of it doesn't make sense, but that's because it's my thoughts.

The seclusion of my true self
Is a burden to my soul
I cry out in agony from the pain
As I search for someone to prove me wrong
The pressures to which
My being is subjected
Forces me to the conclusion that
I am alone in this world
Longing to be myself I am
a hypocrite
For I hate those who are fake
I am comfortable within myself
Yet every move I make disgusts me
Only one person have I ever let into my heart
That one person is still there
But my heart has been torn
Never again will I open myself up
Love is poison
Because of which
I am now weak

In the widening mass deception classics of past tense we fade slowly while our values take root only to wither away to nothingness during which our heirloom treasures rot as eggs in the sun.  The mass of filth that encompasses each of us slowly works its way into our inner being while we consume useless vitamins and prescription pills.  Our veins flow with not only the reddest of blood but the blackest dirt that comes from the belief of total perfection which blinds us into believing we are.  Scars of past resurface in the most obvious of places where we cannot see them though they are there.  Never again will we succumb to the painful pleasures of living as long as we can inhabit our miserable pain free towns governed by overweight senators more interested in keeping themselves entertained than in the realistic issues of everyday life.

We treat the living as though they are nothing,
Yet speak of the dead as though they are with us.
Our society is based on a twisted irony
That has dug itself a hole in our definition of normality.
The spreading chaos that completes our lives is in this moment
Destroying us from within.
Empty words are sent to Heaven
While the collection plate is being filled by
The wealthy leaders who know not sacrifice.
At the same time they are trying to buy a spot in Heaven,
The shunned beggar comes along and offers a mere penny
While openly talking to God.
While he is being ridiculed, fire pours out from the sky
Killing all but the beggar who has been glorified and lifted to a high position
On account of his sacrifice and faith.
The end is coming where all will be judged,
Yet no one cares except the beggars.
Our reward is near, take faith.

I'm drowning in a jar of lies
Corroded through the skin while like muscles breaking my mind goes numb
Midnight hour of darkest pain
Living in deception
Hypocritical viewpoints of authorities are driving my eyes insane until they burst from my skull to swim on the floor like fish frying in a pan of nothingness
Under my nail is a little man who speaks loudly as though to attract the attention of those lost souls whose hopeless cases are covered in mud that is cracking and drying only to be rained upon by me
From my jar of lies

You made me want you so much more
Long for the things out of my reach
You helped me to see the light
In this world of hopelessness
When I was in over my head
It was your hands pulling me up for air
Now as I want to hold you
I shy away from your touch
I want us to be together
But I'm sinking and will pull you under
Drown you with my love

Tears falling
Like blood flowing from my soul
I ran to you in need of comfort
Hoping for a warm embrace
Instead I received an icy glare
And a cold shoulder
Left shivering and naked
I am ashamed
With one look
You tore my heart out
And ripped my soul
I am shattered
Broken like glass
As I go throughout the day
I despise their sympathetic eyes
Because behind them
They are laughing
It didn't happen to them
So they take pleasure in
My pain
My emptiness
Damn their sympathetic eyes

The peaceful ignorance shattered by
One look, one smile
From you, beautiful you
You know I can't help the way I feel
But you choose to let me wait
Patiently, at your convenience
The butterflies that once fluttered in my stomach are now dead
Digesting in the acids of my pain
Impatiently waiting for your convenience
I was happy until you said hi
Acknowledging me made my attraction to you so much greater
Multiplied by eleven
I wish you'd make up my mind as to what to do about
This thing called us
There is no us, really, there could be
Too bad thought, I'm busy
I'm impatiently waiting for your convenience



WARNING: do not take anything from this page.  many of the writings have been made into songs by a local band and have been copyrighted.  just a warning if you don't want to get in any trouble.  i appreciate it, thank you!