there are many  things that i would like to say to you  but i don't know how


mr. noel


"So, what about Oasis?" That was my first line when my friend showed my his recently purchased <what's the story> cd. 1995.We were in London for a couple of days, finishing one of those "college-is-over-let's-go to-europe-before-life-starts-sucking". Anyway, I continued my lecture about "oh god, one more of those bands that the brits fall in love for the summer and then it's gone."Shame on me. Somehow I started to listen to Oasis and had to eat my own words. The whole thing about Oasis, regardless people enjoy/ed or not the Beatles, is this great comeback of rock and roll melodic and powerfull that we witness in Noel Gallagher's riffs, harmonies and lyrics, and at the same time Liam's fake-crashed voice, shouts out loud even if he's just gently whispering some words. I guess Oasis is a nice blend between various brit-pop generations: the relovutionary fable-four band "thing", not to mention harmonies and lyric "style", the anger and distortion from the late 70's (sex pistols and punks) and the sense of stardom inconsequence of the 90's. if i had to put it in one single phrase, i would say that oasis gave me back my faith in rock and roll.

<oasis official home-page>
(boring, boring, boring. some good 
pictures and lyrics)
i'm not good at rmemorizing cool links.

my favorite songs (this week, duh):

  • wonderwall 
  • talk tonight
  • supersonic

  • "if you look at the 50 more important pop songs 
    of all time, 49 are from the beatles. the other one is wonderwall".
    noel gallagher