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Established world-wide for its value both as a tonic and general health pick-me-up, Aloe needs little further recommendation. Mixed with water or fruit juice, Aloe is great for breakfast, workouts, or anytime you have the urge to drink something healthy.

ShapeRite's Aloe is of guaranteed purity and is a whole-leaf concentrated extract. And because aloe's properties are invaluable yet delicate, Shape-Rite purchases aloe that is immediately chilled then pasteurized through a patented, short-time process. This assures that over pasteurization does not occur; so enzymes and nutrients remain active. This makes it effective and economical to use.

Cold Process 10:1 Concentrate

Aloe Vera

Properties and uses: Traditionally used as a topical application for skin disorders or injuries. Used internally as a tonic, digestive aid and also in cosmetics .

Bodily influences: The active substances of aloe Vera are found in the leaves which are composed of the rind (the outer covering), juice and the gel-like substance, the pulp.

These substances are found to be:

Polysaccharides (carbohydrates).
Amino acids.
Vitamins and minerals.
Aloin or anthroquinones.
Barbaloins or glycosides.
Other substances (e.g. isobarbaloin, chrysophanic acid).

In general aloe Vera has the following characteristics:

Antimicrobial activity. A sterile aloe extract used topically has been found to be bactericidal, viricidal and fungicidal without having any damaging effect on the tissue.
Healing activity. It contains proteolytic enzyme activity which assists the body in sloughing off dead tissue and stimulates the growth of new cells with little scar formation.
It has an analgesic and anti-pruritic effect.
It has an astringent effect to tighten tissue. This is one of the reasons why aloe is frequently used in cosmetics.
It has an anti-inflammatory action which reduces the swelling of skin and muscles.

In conclusion, aloe Vera is a safe herbal product with well known effects in the management of burns and many other disorders. A proper selection of the product is essential in order to achieve better results. The product should be of good nutritional quality and truly cold stabilized, not heat processed or freeze dried. It should contain a minimum amount of the yellow sap. The pulp of aloe should be micronized but retained in the preparation.

1 bottle = 16 oz liquid

8000 Aloe Vera (1-16 oz bottle)

For More Information on this Product Contact:

Bonnie S. Brooks

ShapeRite Independent Advisor
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PO Box 143443
Anchorage, Alaska 99514-3443

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Tel: 907-563-FOR-U (3678)
Fax: 907-333-5641


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