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Digestive enzymes are proteins with a special mission. They make starches, proteins and fats soluble! These water-soluble nutrients are then assimilated across the gut wall into the bloodstream.

Enzyme deficiencies often give rise to indigestion with pain and gas and general discomfort. Incomplete breakdown and assimilation of nutrients often leads to allergy and toxic overload.

Enzymes are available in raw or lightly cooked food and are also made in the body and released into the digestive tract as we eat. Many factors and situations including overcooked foods cause these catalytic powerhouses to either be missing or in short supply. Enzy-Rite can make the difference.

The following is an excerpt from “The Herbal Formula Guide” by William E. Frazier, M.H.P., N.C. It is not our intent to diagnose or prescribe. It is not our purpose to replace the services of your physician, only to offer educational information on the ingredients in the products we represent.

Most of the foods we eat are simply too large to be absorbed into our cells. The process of digestion therefore breaks down the food molecules. The organs that collectively perform this function are called the digestive system.

The digestive system extends from the mouth to the anus. It consists of the gastrointestinal tract and its appendage organs, e.g. salivary glands, the liver, gallbladder and the pancreas.

Digestion occurs as a result of both physical and chemical processes. The physical changes of food are brought about by grinding, crushing and mixing the food mass (chyme)with digestive juices during propulsion through the digestive tract. The digestive juices are responsible for the chemical breakdown of chyme. The active compounds in the digestive juices are primary enzymes.


Enzyme Deficiency

Numerous studies have shown that the typical American diet consists of cooked, processed foods that are devoid of enzymes. As we become more and more enzyme deficient we are unable to absorb nutrients that provide protection to our cells and establish optimum health. Many studies show that enzyme deficiencies play a major role in premature aging and degenerative diseases. Combat these problems by providing essential enzymes for complete nutrient absorption.


Suggested Formula:

Protease  An essential enzyme needed by the body to break down protein.

Amylase An enzyme used by the body to break down starch molecules.

Lipase An enzyme used by the body to break down fats.

Cellulase An enzyme needed by the body to break down fruits, vegetables, grains, seeds.

Pectinase  An enzyme used to break down pectin foods such as citrus fruits, apples, carrots, potatoes, beets & tomatoes.

Vitamin C with bioflavinoids  Vitamin C and bioflavinoids supply the body with tremendous properties for combating degenerative diseases and complimenting the digestive and healing process.

1 bottle = 60 capsules

1 blister = 100 capsules

7170 Enzy-Rite (1 bottle)

7175Enzy-Rite (1 blister pack)

For More Information on this Product Contact:

Bonnie S. Brooks

ShapeRite Independent Advisor
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PO Box 143443
Anchorage, Alaska 99514-3443

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Tel: 907-563-FOR-U (3678)
Fax: 907-333-5641


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