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Prostate health can be influenced by several foods and herbs. By using these within a frame work of balanced nutrition and moderate exercise, normal male sexuality can be strengthened.

Pumpkin seeds are well established in this regard as are the lesser known berries of the saw palmetto roots of the sarsaparilla, a climbing vine.

Pigeon and other whole-herb extracts balance out the Male Formula to support the vitality of the male reproductive system.


The following is an excerpt from “The Herbal Formula Guide” by William E. Frazier, M.H.P., N.C. It is not our intent to diagnose or prescribe. It is not our purpose to replace the services of your physician, only to offer educational information on the ingredients in the products we represent.

The male and female reproductive systems are specialized to carry on reproduction. The systems involved in the process that produces offspring are unique. Their functions are not necessary for the survival of each individual like our other organ systems. Instead, their functions are vital to the continuation of the group to which individuals belong (the human species), since without reproduction by at least some of its members, the species would soon become extinct.

Although the organs of the reproductive system are all concerned with the general process of reproduction, each is adapted to carry on specialized tasks. Some for example, are concerned with the production of sex cells, while others function to sustain the lives of these cells or to transport them from one location to another. Still other reproductive parts produce and secrete hormones that act to regulate the formation of sex cells and play roles in the development and maintenance of male and female characteristics.

The following combination of herbs is designed to support and help maintain the health of those organs and glands that are peculiar to men, especially the prostate. Male virility and libido may also be improved by some of these herbs. The hormonal action of this blend may also improve growth characteristics in men involved in training regimens. This is the perfect "feel good, do good" blend for males.



Based on decades of research, pygeum emerges as the best tonic for the prostate gland known to man. No side effects, alleviates prostatitis as well as enlarged prostate. Not to be used for prostate cancer. However, provides important hormones, anti-cholesterol substances and helps significantly to reduce inflammation in the prostate.


Pumpkin Seed

Traditional herbal prostate tonic. Contains hormonal-like substances that improve degree of male reproductive health.


Sarsaparilla (Smilax)

Source of plant steroid that stimulates muscle growth, tissue regeneration and endogenous hormone production. Common supplement in diets of body builders.



Traditional stimulant of male virility and libido. Not too much research has been done on this plant, but it is rife with folklore empirical evidence.

Saw Palmetto

Source of substances that stimulate growth and release of masculine hormones. 


Muira Puama

South American "aphrodisiac". Empirical evidence of nervous system stimulation on area of genitals. Often used to treat sexual impotence. South American counterpart to Damiana, but appears to be more reliable.


Siberian Ginseng

For long term treatment of sexual dysfunction and to maintain sexual health in all men. Provides nutrients for cellular metabolism, including RNA and DNA production and energy regulation.

1 bottle = 60 capsules

1 blister pack = 100 capsules

7060 Male Formula (1 bottle)

7065 Male Formula (1 blister pack)

For More Information on this Product Contact:

Bonnie S. Brooks

ShapeRite Independent Advisor
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PO Box 143443
Anchorage, Alaska 99514-3443

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Tel: 907-563-FOR-U (3678)
Fax: 907-333-5641


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