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During exercise, fat-burn off is increased as the whole body marshals its reserves. It makes sense to assist this process. This is the purpose of Megawatt, whose very name speaks of energy.

This supplement has a dual application.

It enhances the value of exercise and sports by adding a positive edge to physical activity. This is not the shallow stimulation of caffeinated drinks, but an added endurance. This herbal complex naturally supports the metabolic rate while opposing the generation of free radicals.

Megawatt management program, can be used as part of a weight management program, either alone or in combination.

The Chinese believe that you can attain optimum health by achieving balance within you body. Your chi, or life energy, must be restored and supplemented according to your body’s unique needs. Eating a moderate diet, getting ample nutrition, exercising, and drinking plenty of water can help you maintain your body’s ideal balance. Once you meet your body’s essential needs, it will reach peak efficiency and become its own steward, yielding top performance levels, shedding extra pounds, and developing a healthy outward glow.

Megawatt contains ma huang, chromium piclonate., and *Ni-Chrome to restore your chi and maximize your body’s potential. *Ni-Chrome is a proprietary blend of amino acids and chromium.

1 bottle = 120 capsules

1 blister = 100 capsules

8060 Megawatt (1 bottle)

8065 Megawatt (1blister pack)

For More Information on this Product Contact:

Bonnie S. Brooks

ShapeRite Independent Advisor
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PO Box 143443
Anchorage, Alaska 99514-3443

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Tel: 907-563-FOR-U (3678)
Fax: 907-333-5641


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