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Connective tissues benefit from mineral-rich herbs renowned for their action on muscles and joints.

MusculoSkeletal formula comprises a combination of mineral-rich herbs such as horsetail and alfalfa which assist in the formation of collagen.

Devil's claw and wild yam are well known herbs that combine well with ginger to help improve blood flow. Improved blood flow to an affected area relieves pain. During exercise, metabolic wastes, normally distributed throughout the body, may accumulate in muscles and joints, giving stiffness and pain. MusculoSkeletal may be an aid to the removal of these by products. By drinking a large glass of water half an hour before meals, you will increase the action of this connective tissue detoxifier.

Muscle, Bone and Connective Tissue Support

The following is an excerpt from “The Herbal Formula Guide” by William E. Frazier, M.H.P., N.C. It is not our intent to diagnose or prescribe. It is not our purpose to replace the services of your physician, only to offer educational information on the ingredients in the products we represent.

MusculoSkeletal Formula

Muscles, bones and joints provide your body with a supportive framework that allows flexibility of movement. All movement, including the movement of both the body itself and the organs within the body, is carried out by muscles, which can do their jobs because they are composed of tissues that contract.

Voluntary muscles, such as those in the limbs, are under conscious control and contract only when your brain tells them to. For example, if you want to bend your elbow, your brain instructs your biceps muscle to contract. To straighten out your arm, your brain signals the biceps muscles to relax and instructs the triceps muscle to contract. These brain signals are sent via your central nervous system.

Involuntary muscles, such as those that are in the heart and digestive tract, normally function without conscious control or even awareness. The 206 bones of your skeleton serve mainly as an important support system for the various parts of the body. In addition, some bones also encase and protect certain organs such as the stomach, liver and kidneys. Bones are not lifeless structures. They are composed of living cells embedded in a hard framework of minerals, mostly calcium and phosphorus. This framework acts partially as a storage and supply area for these minerals. Inside some bones is a soft core, the marrow that manufactures blood cells. Some bones, such as those of the skull, are joined closely together by almost immovable connective fibers called sutures. But when most people speak of a "joint," they generally mean the special hinge-like structure between certain neighboring bones that permits them to move in relation to each other.

There are several different types of joints in your body. Each of your vertebrae (backbones) can be moved only slightly in relation to its neighbors, but this provides enough flexibility over the whole spinal column to allow you to bend your back considerably. The knee is actually called a "hinge" joint because it permits movement in only one plane (backward and return). The shoulder is a "ball-and-socket" joint which is more versatile. It allows the arm to bend, twist and turn, and therefore move in almost any direction.

Each joint is a complicated structure. It is bound together on the outside by fibrous bands called ligaments. Inside the ligaments are fibrous joint-capsules, lined on the inside by the synovium (a thin membrane) that continuously produces tiny amounts of fluid to lubricate the joint. A smooth flexible cartilage covers the surfaces where the bone-ends meet.

It is surprising to some that herbs can be used in the prevention of injury and damage to the bones, muscle, skin and connective tissues. Herbs have been used for years in the treatment of injury, but they can also provide nutrients and other substances that help maintain the integrity of joints and tissues. Thus, herbs can help reduce the frequency, severity and duration of inflammation. They can also help reduce the risk of athletic (or age related) injury due to weakness.


Horsetail Grass
Source of silica and other minerals used in tissue and bone repair. Also used to build strong fingernails and help split ends on the hair.

Source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients that decrease the incidence and severity of inflammation. It also contains the eight digestive enzymes and the eight essential amino acids of protein. It is very rich in Vitamin U. used for peptic ulcers. Also used as blood thinner.

Devils Claw
An African anti-inflammatory agent with a reputation for considerable success. Used in many arthritis and rheumatism herbal formulas.

Used as an anti-nausea remedy esp. motion sickness. Also used as a natural blood thinner, indigestion and flatulence. It has a stimulating effect on the heart and circulation, so it is good for cold hands and feet. Provides relief when applied topically to inflamed or irritated joints.

Saw Palmetto
Strengthens the joints, ligaments and muscles. Stimulates growth and repair. It has been used to help underweight people gain weight. It has also been used to help develop small breasts. Used in almost all prostate herbal formulas.

Wild Yam
Contains steroidal precursors that can be utilized by the body to stimulate growth. Useful in repair of damaged tissues, also good to relieve stomach gas. Used to relieve pain.

1 bottle = 60 capsules

1 blister pack = 100 capsules

7030 MusculoSkeletal Formula (1 bottle)

7035 MusculoSkeletal Formula (1 blister pack)

For More Information on this Product Contact:

Bonnie S. Brooks

ShapeRite Independent Advisor
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PO Box 143443
Anchorage, Alaska 99514-3443

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Tel: 907-563-FOR-U (3678)
Fax: 907-333-5641


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