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Longevity, with the preservation of mental powers keeps communication alive.

We are living longer so we need to know how to conserve memory and to share 'times past' to the enjoyment of friends and family.

There is so much we can do. First of all keep yourself busy by challenging yourself both mentally and physically your brain will stay active and alert.

Secondly, drink more pure water. Dehydration is a major cause of reduced brain function.

Need we say it? Eat wisely? Smaller amounts are needed if the more essential micro-nutrients are readily available. These are vital nutrients that we can only derive from fresh vegetables, fruit and salads. In addition, the protein we eat should be lean and the carbohydrates unrefined.

ReCall is an assembly of herbal extracts to promote blood supply to the brain and supply antioxidant and adaptogens. As a bonus, extract of bilberry may benefit eyesight.

Supports Mental Acuity

The following is an excerpt from “The Herbal Formula Guide” by William E. Frazier, M.H.P., N.C. It is not our intent to diagnose or prescribe. It is not our purpose to replace the services of your physician, only to offer educational information on the ingredients in the products we represent.

Ma Huang (Ephedra)

This Chinese herb is a combination of seven alkaloids. One of the alkaloids in Ma Huang actually reduces the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. This herb has been used in China for thousands of years with no undesirable side-effects.

Properties and uses: Specific for asthma, nasal congestion, sinus congestion, low blood pressure, energy, stimulant, kidney and bladder, arthritis specific.

Bodily influences: Since ancient times of China, the herb ma huang has been employed for the service of asthma and arthritis. Drops of the extract when placed on the tongue open spastic breathing passages, thus the sufferer is able to breathe deeply again. The herb ephedra or ma huang excites the function of the heart and sometimes alarms one who does not know that pulse and breathing are increased as with caffeine from coffee. The effect is temporary and should not be considered as alarming. Ephedra has been beneficial and effective in low blood pressure and low energy. Chinese sources also indicate beneficial effect in bladder disorders, kidney pain, syphilis, headache, hayfever and colds.



Properties and uses: Bilberry was first studied for its capacity to heighten visual activity in normal subjects in poor-light conditions. Bilberry is thought to act on the retina as a photomultiplier. Bilberry jam was used by RAF pilots during World War II. Later European and South American researchers evaluated ophthalmic uses in conditions of night blindness, visual fatigue, severe myopia and vascular disturbances of the retina. Bilberry can help decrease the permeability of the blood brain barrier. Increased permeability of this barrier has been linked to autoimmune disease of the central nervous system and the cerebral symptoms of allergies. Flavinoids found in Bilberry (Anthocyanosides), may inhibit both enzymatic and nonenzymatic degradation of the basement membrane collagen of brain capillaries. This helps to maintain the brain's protection from drugs, pollutants and other exogenous and endogenous cerebral toxins. Bilberry's anti-inflammatory activity has also made it useful for calming irritated mucosae (reddened throat and gums and for gastritis and ulcers). Also useful for diarrhea, dropsy, gravel, liver and stomach conditions.

Bodily influences: Helps preserve eyesight; prevents eye damage; useful for eye strain; good for improving night vision. Bilberry contains a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to strengthen capillary beds, a major cause of transient ischemic strokes. It has also been used to reduce the formation of abnormal blood clots by inhibiting platelet aggregation. Also good for nearsightedness (Myopia).


Panax Ginseng

Properties and uses: Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng) contains several saponins (hormone-like-substances), some of which have a sedative effect and some are stimulating, therefore ginseng has an overall adoptogenic effect enabling anyone taking it to better withstand stress. Used in Chinese medicine as a tonic and toner for the body, promotes mental and physical vigor, stamina, endurance and metabolism. Considered as a digestive and "chi" tonic. Mildly stimulates the central nervous system; also helpful in menopause problems such as hot flashes and irregular periods. Used in many programs to regenerate and rebuild sexual centers. Impotency and low sperm count have been corrected by using Panax ginseng. Despite its Latin name Panax, meaning panacea, it is not universally applicable in every illness. It should not be used during any acute inflammatory disease. Moreover, in China, ginseng is rarely used on its own; but is usually combined with other herbs that temper its powerful nature.

Bodily influences: Aphrodisiac, demulcent, nervine, stimulant and stomachic .


Ginkgo Biloba

Increases flow of blood to the brain (and other parts of the body). It improves concentration and learning ability. Helps prevent cognitive and mood disorders associated with aging. Repairs capillaries damaged by free radicals and atherosclerosis.


Grape Seed Extract

Properties and uses: One of the most potent antioxidants found in nature is a class of bioflavinoids called proanthocyanidins. These are extracted from grape seed and called pronogenol. Pronogenol may be the most effective natural antioxidant yet discovered; possessing numerous properties, some of which are:

Is highly bioavailable and is rapidly absorbed and distributed throughout the body.

Has antioxidant properties that are 50 times greater than Vitamin E and 20 times greater than Vitamin C.

Inhibits the enzymes that lead to histamine formation. Excess histamine can depress immune function and cause allergies and asthma.
Restores the antioxidant status of oxidized Vitamin C and acts as a carrier for Vitamin C into the cells.
Crosses the blood-brain barrier to provide anti-oxidant protection to the central nervous system.
Increases the elasticity and flexibility of collagen, which helps to restore the connective tissue underlying the skin to a more youthful structure.
Acts as a smooth muscle relaxant in blood vessels.

1 blister pack = 30 capsules

8040 Recall Formula (1 blister pack)

For More Information on this Product Contact:

Bonnie S. Brooks

ShapeRite Independent Advisor
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PO Box 143443
Anchorage, Alaska 99514-3443

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Tel: 907-563-FOR-U (3678)
Fax: 907-333-5641


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