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ReZoom raises levels of endurance to both mental and physical stress by directing broad spectrum nutrition to vital tissues. Ideal for people who work out regularly and exercise at high levels, the components of ReZoom replenish nutrients lost during vigorous exercise and promote peak performance and condition.

Herbs renowned for increasing stamina such as the ginseng's and Yerba Maté are combined with vitamins and minerals to ensure enzymes co-factor support. Cardiac reserve and circulatory tone is supported by hawthorn and yarrow.

Protection against free radicals is accelerated by additional phytonutrients and vitamins.

If you experience stress at work, school, or home, ReZoom's essential nutrients and herbs helps maintain the body's energy level, and support the nervous system and digestive systems. ReZoom aids metabolic balance and can be used within a weight management program to help counteract possible stress.


The following is an excerpt from “The Herbal Formula Guide” by William E. Frazier, M.H.P., N.C. It is not our intent to diagnose or prescribe. It is not our purpose to replace the services of your physician, only to offer educational information on the ingredients in the products we represent.

Yerba Mate

Properties and uses: Contains a rich supply of Vitamins (A, C & B complex), minerals (calcium, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, manganese, silica and phosphorous), choline, inositol and carotene. Used in South America as a tea.

Bodily influences: Stimulates the central nervous system without becoming a habit or an addiction. It induces better patterns of sleep. Acts as a mild diuretic, relaxes peripheral blood vessels thereby reducing blood pressure. Research has shown that mate arouses the mind and body, reduces fatigue and reduces the effects of stress. Mate has been used clinically to assist those who wish to kick the caffeine habit. As mate is used caffeine addiction disappears. The active ingredient in mate (mateine) does resemble caffeine structurally and belongs to the same class (xanthines). Mate does not contain caffeine.


Properties and uses: Circulatory cleanser, repairing abscesses, boils and skin conditions, immune enhancer and general infections.

Bodily influences: The function of echinacea is in its ability to expel morbid material, hence circulation is improved. Unclean blood and alimentary canal, which is chronic and uneliminated, is a perfect breeding round for disease and malfunction. Echinacea is highly desirable where the body is infectious to itself. As stale waste is eliminated, help in the following areas are observed: tired feeling, resolving of pimples, elimination of piles, correction of lymphatic inflammation, bad breath, toxic tonsils, prostate problems, sexual impotence and foul discharges. It should be noted that echinacea can produce skin disturbances in cases of weak kidneys, lymphatic engorgement, poor lung and bowel elimination. The body simply kicks waste out through the skin. This may cause some concern as they think echinacea has made them sick. This is not true. "The way out is through. " Echinacea can be assisted by increasing bowel elimination with a laxative, enema or colonic.


Properties and uses: Used in Chinese medicine to strengthen the immune and digestive systems.

Bodily influences: According to the Chinese, astragalus strengthens the digestion and the body's vital energy. It is used to treat lack of appetite. It also supports the lungs and enhances the immune system. Should be taken by those who have frequent colds. Helps promote the healing of ulcers. Astragalus is often combined with other herbs and has been shown to: increase phagocytosis; increase interferon production; increase the number of macrophages; enhance T-cell transformation; function as an adaptogen to relieve stress-induced immune system suppression.

Licorice Root

Properties and uses: Specific for low blood sugar, ulcers, coughs, stress, allergies, and stamina.

Bodily influences: Licorice is 4 to 50 times sweeter than cane sugar without the calories and does not increase thirst. It is a specific for low blood sugar symptoms. If someone is eating the standard American diet, it is safe to assume they would benefit from licorice root. Licorice root is a natural remedy for stress. It feeds the energy and hormone manufacturing glands known as the adrenals. When properly fed they bring the entire system into better balance. When the male or female system has the need for hormones, licorice provides the building blocks for the adrenals to produce these hormones. This is especially effective for women who have had a hysterectomy, to prevent the discomforts of hormone imbalance.


Properties and uses: Cardiac tonic-specific. Repair of heart and circulatory system. High blood pressure normalizer.

Bodily influences: Hawthorn feeds the heart muscle directly. It opens closed and cramping blood vessels to prevent coronary infarction heart attack due to spastic blood vessels). Hawthorn contains flavonoids, which dilate the coronary and peripheral arteries, and procyanidines, which appear to slow the heart beat. A report in the British Medical Journal showed that the berries reduced high blood pressure caused by hardening of the arteries and kidney disease. It also improved the health of patients suffering from an "aging heart and those who had heart-valve disease. The Rocky Mountain News, in Denver, Colorado recently reported that scientists at the University of Colorado were looking into the "cardiac tonic " properties of hawthorn berries. A 1981 summary of research on German patients using hawthorn based medications showed increased coronary blood flow, steadying and slowing of the heartbeat and protection against oxygen deficiency without side effects or toxicity.

Siberian and Korean Ginseng

Properties and uses: Used as tonic, particularly for people weakened by disease, old age and stress.

Bodily influences: Ginseng contains several saponins (hormone-like substances), some of which are stimulating so that ginseng has an overall adaptogenic effect, enabling someone taking it to withstand stress. Ginseng should not be taken during an acute inflammatory disease or bronchitis since it can drive the disease deeper and make it worse. It is best taken by someone made weak by disease or old age. It should not be used on its own, but should be combined with other herbs such as licorice or Chinese dates, which temper its powerful nature. When energy is failing, ginseng is the immediate remedy. When using ginseng be sure to increase protein intake to properly utilize Siberian ginseng's powerful effects Combined with the proper intake of protein, ginseng is an immediate aid to those studying for exams and for the needs of the athlete or for anyone with increased responsibilities.

Smilax (Sarsaparilla)

Properties and uses: it has been used in psoriasis, gout, rheumatism, syphilis and popularly as a blood purifier. Contains natural steroids and steroidal saponins.

Bodily influences: Smilax was used in Europe for years to treat syphilis. A Chinese species has been found very effective for this disease and has been used to treat mercury poisoning. Most herbalists today use sarsaparilla to treat skin complaints, as a blood purifier and for rheumatism. Contains the male hormone testosterone, this is excellent for balancing both male and female hormones.


Properties and uses: Oxygenates, antispasmodic, stomachic, stimulant, nervine, cardio tonic, and febrifuge.

Bodily influences: The therapeutic value of peppermint has its roots in herbal use from the beginning of man's first association with it. Its leaves are chewed. Teas are made from its leaves as well as the oil. The use of these brings an exhilarating aromatic sensation as well as fresh oxygen for well being. A cup of tea will relieve baby's colic. A touch of oil to the tongue of a baby or adult will push distressful gas from the body and settle the stomach. Very good for morning sickness. A partial list of its corrective abilities is diarrhea, dizziness, convulsions, earache, fainting, fevers, stomach and bowel gas, nausea, restlessness, motion sickness, vomiting and heart palpitations.


Properties and uses: Lymphatic problems, skin disorder, pancreatic digestaid.

Bodily influences: Stillingia is used as a stimulating expectorant to treat bronchitis and laryngitis. In small doses it is a laxative and diuretic. In large doses it is cathartic and emetic. Has been used to treat engorged lymphatic systems. Used by Landean Griffin to correct cystic fibrosis. One notes from this work that the key for body function is the ability to digest not only food but to digest as well, choking wastes from the body.


Properties and uses: Stimulant, tonic, diuretic and healing.

Bodily influences: Yarrow settles nerves which reduces high blood pressure. It relieves shortness of breath and wasting of spinal marrow. American Indians used yarrow as a remedy for rundown feeling and a digestive aid. They also used it to increase urinary flow from the kidneys. Herbalists have used it for infant diarrhea, uterus problems, Bright's disease, gas, piles, sore nipples, fistulas, flu and hair loss. Also used as remedy for bedwetting, involuntary loss of urine and as a nervine.

Aloe Vera

Properties and uses: Traditionally used as a topical application for skin disorders or injuries. Used internally as a tonic, digestive aid and also in cosmetics.

Bodily influences: The active substances of aloe vera are found in the leaves which are composed of the rind (the outer covering), juice and the gel-like substance, the pulp.

These substances are found to be:

1) Polysaccharides (carbohydrates)

2) Amino acids

3) Vitamins and minerals

4) Enzymes

5) Aloin or anthroquinones

6) Barbaloins or glycosides

7) Other substances (e.g. isobarbaloin, chrysophanic acid)

In general aloe Vera has the following characteristics:

1) Antimicrobial activity. A sterile aloe extract used topically has been found to be bactericidal, viricidal and fungicidal without having any damaging effect on the tissue.

2) Healing activity. It contains proteolytic enzyme activity which assists the body in sloughing off dead tissue and stimulates the growth of new cells with little scar formation.

3) It has an analgesic and anti-pruritic effect.

4) It has an astringent effect to tighten tissue. This is one of the reasons why aloe is frequently used in cosmetics.

5) It has an anti-inflammatory action which reduces the swelling of skin and muscles.

In conclusion, aloe Vera is a safe herbal product with well known effects in the management of burns and many other disorders. A proper selection of the product is essential in order to achieve better results. The product should be of good nutritional quality and truly cold stabilized, not heat processed or freeze dried. It should contain a minimum amount of the yellow sap. The pulp of aloe should be micronized but retained in the preparation.

Single Vitamins, Minerals - Therapeutic use:

Potassium Sorbate

A mold and yeast inhibitor used as a preservative.

Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)

Promotes healthy capillaries, gums and teeth. Aids in iron absorption. Helps heal wounds and broken bones. Prevents and treats scurvy. Treats anemia. Treats urinary-tract infections. Helps form collagen in connective tissue. Increases iron absorption from intestines. Contributes to hemoglobin and red-blood cell production in bone marrow. Blocks production of nitrosamines.

Sodium Chloride

Common salt. Used as an emetic and in the treatment of salt depletion.

Calcium Ascorbate

Calcium is the main structural mineral in the body. About ninety-nine percent of the body's three pounds of calcium is in the skeleton and teeth and is responsible for their hardness and strength. Calcium in the bones and teeth is not permanently stationed there. The bones and teeth serve as a reservoir for calcium. There is an almost constant exchange of calcium between the bones, the body fluids and soft tissues (where the balance of calcium is located). If dietary intake does not make up for the calcium lost through excretion, the amount taken from the bones will not be replaced. Calcium ascorbate may be the best form of supplemental calcium due to its buffered effect.

Magnesium Ascorbate

Magnesium plays the central role in regulating cell metabolism and growth. Almost all the chemical reactions the cell must carry out depends on magnesium. Magnesium is essential for the activation of several important enzyme reactions, including those that transfer phosphate from adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to adenosine diphosphate and (ADPM ATP-ADP reactions are basic to all life processes. Cardiac and skeletal muscles must have a correct balance of calcium and magnesium in order to function properly. Nerve transmission also depends on the balance between calcium and magnesium in the blood. This is why magnesium ascorbate may be the best form of supplemental magnesium because it supplies the mineral in a buffered form.

Folic Acid (Vitamin B-9)

Promotes normal red-blood cell formation. Maintains the nervous system, intestinal tract, sex organs, white blood cells, and normal patterns of growth. Regulates embryonic and fetal development of nerve cells. Promotes normal growth and development. Treats anemia's due to folic acid deficiency occurring from alcoholism, liver disease, hemolytic anemia, sprue, pregnancy, breast-feeding, and oral contraceptive use.

Thiamine (Vitamin B-1)

Keeps mucous membranes healthy. Maintains normal function of nervous system, muscles and heart Aids in treatment of herpes zoster Promotes normal growth and development. Treats Beriberi. Replaces deficiency caused by alcoholism, cirrhosis, overactive thyroid, infection, breast-feeding, absorption diseases, pregnancy, prolonged diarrhea and burns.

Riboflavin (Vitamin B-2)

Aids in release of energy from food. Maintains healthy mucous membranes lining the respiratory, digestive, circulatory and excretory tracts when used in conjunction with Vitamin A. Preserves integrity of nervous system, skin and eyes. Promotes normal growth and development. Aids in treating infections, stomach problems, burns, alcoholism and liver disease.

Niacin (Vitamin B-3)

Maintains normal function of skin, nerves, and digestive system. Reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in blood. Corrects niacin deficiency. Dilates blood vessels. Treats vertigo (dizziness) and ringing in the ears. Prevents premenstrual headache. Treats pellagra.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B-5)

Promotes normal growth and development. Aids in release of energy from foods. Helps synthesis of numerous body materials

Pyridoxine Acid (Vitamin B-6)

Participates actively in many chemical reactions of proteins and amino acids. Helps normal function of brain. Promotes normal red blood cell formation. Maintains chemical balance among body fluids. Regulates excretion of water Helps in energy production and resistance to stress. Acts as coenzyme in carbohydrate, protein and fat metabolism. Treats some forms of anemia Treats cycloserine and isoniazed poisoning.

Vitamin B-12

Promotes normal growth and development. Treats some types of nerve damage. Treats pernicious anemia. Treats and prevents Vitamin B-12 deficiencies in people who have had a portion of the gastrointestinal tract surgically removed. Prevents Vitamin B-12 deficiency in vegan vegetarians and persons with absorption diseases.


Compliments Vitamin E to act as an efficient antioxidant. Promotes normal growth and development. Functions as an antioxidant itself.


Promotes glucose metabolism. Helps insulin regulate blood sugar. Decreases insulin requirements and improves glucose tolerance of some people with maturity-onset diabetes.


Previously thought to be essential only for plants, boron now appears to play a role in human nutrition, particularly in relation to bone health. Recent research has estimated the human boron requirement to be approximately 1-2 mg. per day.


Functions an anti-oxidant. Maintains normal taste and smell. Promotes normal growth and development. Aids wound healing. Promotes normal fetal growth. Helps synthesize DNA and RNA. Promotes cell division, cell repair, cell growth. Maintains normal level of Vitamin A in blood.


A granular crystalline salt. Soluble in water, used as a laxative.


An inodorous crystalline salt. Used m the treatment of skirt diseases


A crystalline or amorphous powder, soluble in water. Used in chronic and acute rheumatism.

1 bottle = 8 oz, 32-oz, or 1 gallon liquid

6010 Rezoom (1-8 oz bottle)

6011 ReZoom (1-32 oz bottle)

6015 ReZoom (1 gallon with pump)

For More Information on this Product Contact:

Bonnie S. Brooks

ShapeRite Independent Advisor
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PO Box 143443
Anchorage, Alaska 99514-3443

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Tel: 907-563-FOR-U (3678)
Fax: 907-333-5641


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