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Most vulnerable to pressure from the food fabrication industry, our children often enter school with a compromised immune system. With many children bottle-fed rather than breast-fed, a less than ideal start is made worse by the addictive nature of many foods targeted to this age group.

The young have special nutritional needs. Rapid growth and learning demand top quality nutrition for those special years.

Full-spectrum nutrition means attention to minerals, vitamins, and phytonutrients capable of combating the effects of anti-nutrients found in every day foods.

ShapeRite makes reminders a thing of the past!



As every parent knows, getting children to want to take a nutritional supplement is an impossible task. Frustration reigns.

The only way is to copy the food industry by providing mouth feel and taste.

KidGuard's tablets are chewable and they taste great. There will be no problem with reminders.

With the up front obstacle nicely dealt with, let's summarize the benefits of this wide-acting supplement:



Although it is useful to separate these two benefits, they both act to build better young bodies and oppose careless eating habits.

Children are exposed to a concentrate of viruses that only have access to them when immune is compromised. KidGuard contains powerful but safe herbal extracts to enhance immune function.

Most children suffer the common cold a couple of times a year and there is some evidence to support the belief among naturopaths that a cold is natures way of expelling toxins. KidGuard with its vitamin and mineral synergy - especially zinc - will assist in a faster completion of the cold virus cycle.

1 bottle = 60 capsules

6500 TLC KidGuard (1 bottle)

For More Information on this Product Contact:

Bonnie S. Brooks

ShapeRite Independent Advisor
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PO Box 143443
Anchorage, Alaska 99514-3443

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Tel: 907-563-FOR-U (3678)
Fax: 907-333-5641


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