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Attaining a realistic weight through regular exercise is possible if food intake is countered by fat burn-off.

The body is incredibly efficient at converting food to body mass. Exercise increases the metabolic rate and attempts to oppose this weight gain.

Ideally, we would all counter fat with exercise. Shape-Fast Plus adds efficiency to regular exercise and moves us towards that balance point.

Catalyst assist endurance through herbal and enzyme co-factor support and raises exercise tolerance levels. By feeling better we are encouraged to persevere.

When we regulate our food intake, we compliment the effects of exercise and weight is lost faster. Any extra help with how our body processes what we eat makes all the difference.

MetaboLite influences the thyroid gland and helps with blood sugar stability. Digestive function is improved, thus aiding assimilation and satisfaction.

 Shape-Fast / Catalyst / MetaboLite

Ever feel like elves sneaked into your house while you were sleeping, took all your clothes out of the closet, then put them in the dryer on HIGH, and returned them to the closet in exactly the same arrangement as they had been, giving you one wicked/nasty surprise when you awoke!

I have had this suspicion before. What other explanation could there be for an entire wardrobe to suddenly become too small. This always happens when I have to be somewhere in a hurry - like a big meeting. Few things are more demoralizing than having a closet full of beautiful clothes that do not fit. It makes you feel like an overgrown orphan.

If you fit/fall into this category, I suggest you consider the following formula:

Shape-Fast Plus

Ephedra (Ma Huang)

This Chinese herb is a combination of seven alkaloids. One of the alkaloids in Ma Huang actually reduced the heart rate and lowers blood pressure. This herb has been used in China for thousands of years with no undesirable side-effects.

Properties and uses: Specific for asthma, nasal congestion, sinus congestion, low blood pressure, energy, stimulant, kidney and bladder, arthritis specific.

Bodily influences: Since ancient times of China, the herb ma huang has been employed for the service of asthma and arthritis. Drops of the extract when placed on the tongue open spastic breathing passages, thus the sufferer is able to breathe deeply again. The herb ephedra or ma huang excites the function of the heart and sometimes alarms one who does not know that pulse and breathing are increased as with caffeine from coffee. The effect is temporary and should not be considered as alarming. Ephedra has been beneficial and effective in low blood pressure and low energy. Chinese sources also indicate beneficial effect in bladder disorders, kidney pain, syphilis, headache, hayfever and colds.

Citrus Aurantium 

Used in Chinese medicine as an aid in digestion and as a diuretic. Also used in other medicines to treat anxiety and nervous depression.

Salix Purpurea 

Used in some herbal formulas for relief of pain. Made from purple willow bark. Useful in stimulating metabolism when combined with other herbs.

Pantothenic Acid 

A member of the B-Vitamin family. Helps synthesis of body minerals, aids in release of energy from foods. Main function is to support the adrenal glands.


Contains trace minerals. Used in many nutritional products to support the thyroid gland.

Kola nut 

Used in many herbal formulas to stimulate the central nervous system. Contains about 29% caffeine. Combined with other herbs to stimulate thermogenesis.


Natural enzymes formulated to enhance the delivery of nutrients to specific areas of the body.



Gymnema Sylvestre

Properties and uses: Gymnema Sylvestre is used in the treatment of obesity and diabetes in Indian medicine. The main activity in Gymnema Sylvestre is due to the presence of a brittle black, somewhat complex, acidic resin known as gymnemic acid and a gulcoside known as hentriacontane.

Bodily influences: Most studies confirm the blood sugar lowering or antidiabetic property of Gymnema. The word "control" best describes the action of Gymnema on blood sugar and diabetes. It is not a cure and does not substitute for proper dietary habits or medication but its use will help to keep blood sugar levels within acceptable limits.

Most of the research into Gymnema Sylvestre has very important implications in weight control. With better glucose utilization there are fewer "empty" calories to be disposed of by the body. In numerous clinical trials, Gymnema Sylvestre, taken along with a normal diet, has given very favorable results.

Panax Ginseng

Properties and uses: Chinese ginseng (Panax ginseng) contains several saponins (hormone-like-substances), some of which have a sedative effect and some are stimulating, therefore ginseng has an overall adoptogenic effect enabling anyone taking it to better withstand stress. Used in Chinese medicine as a tonic and toner for the body, promotes mental and physical vigor, stamina, endurance and metabolism. Considered as a digestive and "chi" tonic. Mildly stimulates the central nervous system; also helpful in menopause problems such as hot flashes and irregular periods. Used in many programs to regenerate and rebuild sexual centers. Impotency and low sperm count have been corrected by using Panax ginseng. Despite its Latin name Panax, meaning panacea, it is not universally applicable in every illness. It should not be used during any acute inflammatory disease. Moreover, in China, ginseng is rarely used on its own; but is usually combined with other herbs that temper its powerful nature.

Bodily influences: Aphrodisiac, demulcent, nervine, stimulant and stomachic .


Properties and uses: Cysteine helps to detoxify harmful toxins; thereby protecting and preserving the cells. Cysteine is a precursor to glutathione. One of the best free radical destroyers. In addition to protecting the cells from the harmful effects of radiation, it protects the liver and brain from damage due to alcohol and cigarette smoke. Cysteine has a chelating effect, removing excess copper from the body, and is recommended in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Cysteine also promotes the burning of fat and the building of muscle. Cysteine may increase toxicity of monosodiumglutamate in individuals who suffer from the "Chinese Restaurant Syndrome".

Bodily influences: Builds muscle, burns fat, protects against toxins, and combats arthritis.

Aspartic Acid

Properties and uses: Because aspartic acid increases stamina, it is good for fatigue. Chronic fatigue could result from low levels of aspartic acid due to lowered cellular energy. This amino acid also protects the liver by aiding in the removal of excess ammonia from the body. Aspartic acid combines with other amino acids to form molecules that absorb toxins and remove them from the bloodstream. Aspartic acid aids in all cell functions and RNA/DNA formation.

Bodily influences: Increases stamina, protects liver, aids RNA/DNA function.

Glutamic Acid

Properties and uses: Glutamic Acid (Glutamate) increases firing of neurons in the nervous system. It metabolizes sugars and fats, and detoxifies ammonia when used with glutamine. This amino acid also helps to correct personality disorders. Besides glucose, glutamic acid is the only compound used for brain fuel. The brain converts glutamic acid to a compound that regulates brain cell activity.

Bodily influences: Brain fuel, metabolizes sugars, fats and detoxifies.


Properties and uses: Glycine retards muscle degeneration by supplying additional creatine. It is necessary for central nervous system function and a healthy prostate. Its inhibitory action helps prevent epilepsy. This amino acid has been used in the treatment of bipolar depression. Glycine is needed by the immune system for the synthesis of the nonessential amino acids. Too much of this amino acid can displace glucose in the metabolic chain and cause fatigue. The proper amount produces more consistent energy.

Bodily influences: Protects muscles, aids central nervous system, and helps prevent epilepsy.


Properties and uses: Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that inhibits the formation of free radicals. It protects against damage from cigarette smoke and radiation. It also helps to reduce the effects of chemotherapy and x-rays; also combats alcohol poisoning. Used as a detoxifier of metals and drugs; aids in the treatment of blood and liver disorders.

Bodily influences: Antioxidant

Chromium Picolinate

Properties and uses: The ability of chromium picolinate to reduce body fat while retaining lean muscle mass, may well be the key to breaking the discouraging cycle of "yo-yo" dieting. The reason dieters frequently regain the weight they have lost is because much of the loss resulted from a reduction of muscle and organ tissue which inevitably lowers the metabolic rate. This lowered metabolism makes it almost impossible to keep the weight off. When a person loses weight, both fat and muscle tissue are shed. When the weight is put back on, it tends to be made up of a greater proportion of fat and less muscle, leaving the person FATTER than ever.

Chromium picolinate is very effective because it incorporates picolinic acid, a natural mineral transporter produced in the human liver and kidney.

Bodily influences: Chromium has been shown to: promote glucose metabolism, help insulin regulate blood sugar, decreases insulin requirements and improves glucose tolerance of some people with maturity-onset diabetes. Researchers estimate that two out of every three Americans are either hypoglycemic, prehypoglycemic or diabetic. The ability to maintain normal blood sugar levels is jeopardized by the lack of chromium in our soil and water supply and by a diet high in refined white sugar, flour and junk foods. The addition of chromium picolinate to anyone's diet and/or physical exercise program could be the answer to many problems associated with sugar/energy and fat/muscle "yo-yo" programs of the past.

Studies have shown that people obtained significant results lowering total cholesterol and esp. Iow-density lipoprotein (the "bad" cholesterol) when supplementing chromium picolinate.



Fucus Vesiculosus (Kelp)

Properties and uses: Kelp is a good promoter of glandular health, especially the thyroid, pituitary and adrenal glands. Kelp is also high in trace minerals. Good source of natural iodine.

Carica Papaya

Properties and uses: Stimulates stomach to increase secretions, releases histamine from body tissue, depresses central nervous system and kills some intestinal parasites.

Ananas Sativa

Properties and uses: Bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme from pineapple. Used to dissolve protein. Also used by many athletes to reduce inflammation and edema.

Cynara Scolymus

Properties and uses: Two components in this herb, cynarin and scolymoside, have been shown to stimulate bile secretion which accord the traditional use of this remedy for treating sluggish livers and debilitated digestive systems. Cynarin has also been demonstrated to lower both cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the blood.

Rhamnus Frangula

Properties and uses: Used as a laxative to relieve constipation.

Salvia Officinalis

Properties and uses: Stimulates gastrointestinal tract, also stimulates central nervous system.


Properties and uses: Used as a tonic, treats obesity and acts as an energy booster.


Properties and uses: Used as a filler. Useful in keeping the colon clean.

Xanthan and Carob Gums

Properties and uses: Stabilizing agents, prevents cramping in the intestines.

1 box = 60 packets

1 packet = 2 Shape-Fast Plus capsules, 1 Catalyst Formula capsule, 

1 MetaboLite capsule  

  3007 Tri-Lite Plus (1 box)

For More Information on this Product Contact:

Bonnie S. Brooks

ShapeRite Independent Advisor
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PO Box 143443
Anchorage, Alaska 99514-3443

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Tel: 907-563-FOR-U (3678)
Fax: 907-333-5641


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