Conditions, rules and regulations during the tournament


The event is welcomed to all participants from schools and colleges.


Rules are as stated in FIDE and by the organizers.


The organizers have the right to amend any statement in the rules and regulations, if thought necessary.


The championship is held for 7 rounds following the SWISS system.


Any participation can be deferred or cancelled without any reason necessary.


Arbiters' decisions are FINAL.


Pleas will not be entertained.


If players have the same total points, the cumulative system will be applied.


Moves record is not compulsory (papers are supplied if needed)


Participants' Section:


Category : I) Male ii) : Female


Each group consists of:

i) 4 main players

ii)1 reserve player

 12. The reserves are required to play by the fixed sequence as the main players.
 13. Every player has 30 minutes time.
 14. Those who are late for registration will be fined RM2 for the group concerned.
 15. Time for attendance for the event will be 8.00 a.m. - 9.00 a.m.
 16. Last minute registration will be fine RM2 for the group concerned unless the organizers are notified earlier so that the pairing would be conveniently done. 
 17. Attire: School uniform. T-shirts are only allowed for the organizers. School shoes are excepted for college-goers.
 18. Anyone who break the rules stated would be fine RM2 per person. 
 19. Every group would be charged RM40.00 as registration fee.
20. No refund for those who withdraw their participation.
21. Food would not be served.