NorNorWest (Andrew East)
Chalky is a Primary School teacher in his late twenties, and the self-appointed leader of the group. He attempts to purvey a feeling of disdain for the other two. His yawn-inducing school “anecdotes” are world-famous. He also displays a Rip-Van-Winklesque talent for sleeping (particularly at the weekend).
Knockneed (Mark Bumpsteed)
Dufus is a forty-year-old corpulent credit-controller, who is unable to control his own credit. He is the source of much of the group’s merriment, due to his frequent breaking of wind, inability to stand up straight for more than ten seconds, and idiotic comments. He claims to be from the North, but Chalky & Shirt know better.
Sea-Slug (Paul Leach)
Shirt is a twenty-something Probation Officer, with an apalling taste in shirts. He finds himself very funny, and is always cracking rubbish jokes that he’s stolen from elsewhere. He is unhealthily obsessed with all manner of women, including Nicola Bryant, Phillipa Forrester & India Fisher. He has an extreme hatred of the black-and-white era of “Doctor Who”.
Tigger Madison (Kate
The character formerly known as Flipper, Tigger is an attractive girl contacted by Dufus on an internet dating site, who soon passes over Dufus’ charms for those of Chalky. Her role is that of gentle understanding of the friend’s fandom, and the sad ways that it makes them act, as well as ensuring that Chalky’s face doesn’t get too fat by chewing it off at any given opportunity. She was originally a gestalt entity based on several females met by C,D&S in the real CDS universe, including Des Res & the real Tigger.
Enigma (Emma Carlile)
Enigma is an attractive girl in her early twenties, who works as a barmaid at a local pub/strip club. She once worked with Chalky at a local library, where she stupidly mentioned her interest in Doctor Who, and therefore, found herself unable to escape from being dragged into the continuing adventures of “Chalky, Dufus and Shirt”. Enigma has a certain fondness for Peter Davison and Matthew Waterhouse (and is currently receiving aversion therapy for the latter). She brought a much needed totty element to the group (prior to Chalky pairing off), and also the unpredictability of what colour her hair will be the next time they see her. Needless to say, all three friends fancy her.
Lupine (Marc
Lupine is a bearded “Heavy Metal” fan introduced to the group by Enigma, who soon became a regular at signings. He has the dirtiest mind of the group, and encourages Dufus and Shirt (like they need encouragement) to lower themselves to his level. He is the ultimate in proof that “Doctor Who” fans are not all anoraks.
Mr. Whisky (Dale Pinto)
An acquaintance of the three friends, currently in Australia looking for work, Mr. Whisky is a man of few conversation topics – namely “Grange Hill”, “Only Fools and Horses”, and the time, he and the others spent together at a local school. He also has a fondness for alcoholic beverages (hence the pseudonym), and often starts any phone call with either “I’m in the pub” or “I’ve had a few”. He only ever appears in flashback, and is often only a voice at the end of a telephone.
The final episode of the first series features guest appearances from a number of “Doctor Who” celebrities, including Colin Baker & Nicholas Courtney. Peter Davison also guest stars in the final Special, with other DW actors appearing throughout Series Two