"Those Crazy Semis..." (May 12, 1998)

Three to one across the board. Who would have guessed that? I think everyone picked the Bulls over the Hornets in 4 or 5. There's really not much to talk about there. It's kind of funny how there was this big media blitz when the Bulls lost game two. No matter how good the Bulls are, they are going to lose a game or two in the playoffs, but most people forget this. So when they lose just one game, it's the beginning of the end. The Bulls rebounded like the professionals they are. It looks like the Bulls train is on track for their next championship ring.

In the other eastern conference series, the Pacers are leading the Knicks 3 to 1. It's really no surprise. Sure Patrick Ewing did come back, although not quite like Willis Reed did in 1970. He's been better than expected and is probably their second best player right now behind Allan Houston, but the Pacers are I think, a better team. They have a deeper bench, even though the Knicks are loaded as well. They are impeccably coached by Larry Bird. They have talent, veteran leadership, role players, and Reggie Miller, the best clutch shooter in the NBA. Does he know how to kill the Knicks or what? With 5.1 second left, and the chance to tie the series up at 2, Reggie hits the game tying 3 pointer and sends the game into overtime, where the Pacers just destroy the Knicks. The Knicks have shown that they do belong at this level. There is no doubt there. But I think they are worn out. That 5 game series versus Miami was too tough and without Patrick at 100%, the Knicks can't beat the Pacers. For them to come back, they need great games from their key players, like Larry Johnson, Allan Houston, John Starks, Charles Oakley and of course, Patrick Ewing. I think the Knicks are done this year, but like every other year, they can say, wait until next year.

The Spurs-Jazz matchup isn't as close as I would have thought. My pick was Utah in 6 and I'm sticking to it, but I figured that San Antonio would give Utah a run for its money. San Antonio does have Robinson, Duncan and Purdue. The three cause matchup problems for any team. Utah has been able to combat this by going large with Adam Keefe at small forward to match size, or go small with Russell, which gives Duncan and his sore ankle fits, as Russell runs Duncan off screens. In game three, San Antonio just massacred the Jazz. One game. Maybe that's all the Spurs had in them. Without Sean Elliott the Spurs don't have any outside threat. They don't have anyone to play that intermediate game. Elliott gives them another dynamic to the post up or Avery Johnson drive and dish offense. I guess next year the Spurs will have to think about their offensive limitations.

Has anyone been watching the Lakers-Sonics series? Is Shaquille O'Neal the most dominant force in the NBA. When he wants to, he is virtually unstoppable. If he gets low post position, he can't be moved off the block. He has awesome moves from both blocks and is too fast for someone that size. The Sonics really have no one that size to guard him. Ok, they do have Jim McInvaine, but he never plays. I can't figure that out. Sure he sucks, but he is 7 feet, 270 lbs. He can give 6 hard fouls and block some shots and rebound. I guess they are happier with Vin Baker and Sam Perkins guarding Shaq Daddy than Jim McInvaine. Since Kobe Bryant has been out, Eddie Jones has really picked it up. Draw a conclusion. Ever since Kobe has gone down, Eddie has played great. Do you think it's because Eddie doesn't have to worry about being pulled when he takes a bad shot or making a bad decision. Without Kobe, Del Harris can't yank Eddie for Kobe. Now he has to play Eddie for 35 minutes, he has no choice. I know Bill Walton loves Robert Horry, but can someone explain that to me. I know he's a decent enough player who can play well off a big man, because he can hit the open jumper, play some defense and rebound a bit. As well, he can play both 3 and 4, but he's taking playing time away from Elden Campbell. Elden is by far the better player. I guess the argument is that Elden hasn't played well and Horry has. I think since Elden gets very little playing time, he can't get himself into a grove. Either way, the Lakers are up 3 to 1 and are on route to the Western division championship.

In the end, the Lakers will beat Utah. The Bulls will beat the Pacers. And finally, as anticlimactic as it may seem, the Bulls will win. Big surprise. NBC will love it. The Bulls, the present dynasty. The Lakers, the potential next dynasty. Besides, its been a while since Shaq was in the finals. Shaq vs. Jordan. Kobe vs. Jordan. You name it, NBC will hype it.

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