"Around the league..." (January 28, 1998)

I don't know about you guys, but I think I rename Hoop-LA to Raptorland. I write about them enough. Basically, when you live in Toronto, it's all you hear about. Raptor this and Raptor that. There is not a glut of information about the L.A. Clippers. If you check out NBA.com and ESPN SportsZone, there is not too much information there either. I used to get information from the AP Sportswire, but still, L.A. info is scarce in Toronto, when compared to Raptor info. Without a specific topic to rant about today, I thought I'd take some broad brush strokes across the league before the All-Star break.

The Knicks are playing much better than I thought. I figure they'd crumble like old, stale blue cheese and stink up the joint. In fact, they are playing some decent ball. Sure they got rubbed by Boston last night, they still are in the playoffs. What was the old statement, without Patrick Ewing, they'd be a lottery team? Maybe, but maybe not. It looks like they're a decent 45 win team without Ewing. They have depth and some talent, although Allan Houston isn't playing as well as I would have figured for a guy who that much talent. LJ is back though. He's really playing well. I just hope they realize he's their best offensive option, and run the offense through him more. He needs a lot of touches, especially in the low post. Hitch their wagon to the big guy and let him go.

The Celtics were on a role for a while, up to .500 at 18-18 (or maybe it was 17-17). They've lost a few now. I think this is where talent level comes in. Pitino's team is lacking in talent. Antoine Walker should be an all-star. He's a great player. Ron Mercer is turning out to be a solid two guard. Chauncey Billups has taken more hits than Don Beebe on a crossing route. Billups is a good player, he needs some consistent playing time and regain his confidence. He'll be a good player. The rest of the team is sorely lacking in talent. They have a collection of low first round washouts who basically are role players getting serious playing time. Like many of the lower echelon teams, they need to have a perfect game to win. They don't have the talent level to win in spite of themselves.

The Sixers are a perfect of example of talent without direction. Watching them last night, I have seen the future, it is Tim Thomas. Whoa! He has skills. I wonder if he can harness them. He can sky. He can drive. He can shoot. He's 20. He'll need some time, but I think the 76ers got a player. The starting five for the 76ers, Iverson, Jackson, Thomas, Coleman and Ratliff is damn good. They have a decent bench. They could use some more depth, but the key is execution and maturity. Coleman, Iverson and Jackson can all pop off for 20 a game. The key is distributing the ball so everyone gets in the game and they get easy buckets. With that kind of talent and Larry Brown, I think the Sixers could make a run to the playoffs next year. They add another player through the draft, keep what they got and maybe a free agent or two. Then leave Larry alone for another training camp, he'll do some damage. Remember, he led the Clippers to the playoffs for two consecutive years, after that team hadn't made it in for a century. He led San Antonio is for the first time in years. He knows how to make a losing team into winners. This isn't to say he'll make them into a championship team, but at least the playoffs. I think this team isn't dissimilar to Milwaukee.

I could talk about every team at length, but let's face it, I'm too lazy and you'll get too bored. I can talk about Orlando. I can say that without Penny Hardaway they have a collection of mediocre talent and barely floats near .500. Not exactly what Chuck Daly had in mind when he signed on. What's that I hear? It's Chuck hanging up his Armani suits and his Scrabble playing commercials to relax in retirement. It's Dr. J coming in and taking over as coach. Sure he's never been a coach, but neither had Larry Bird. I can imagine Dr. J coaching. Ok, you just take off here, spin in the air, double pump and then when the defender has finally come back down, use that extra bit of lift to dunk it. Nice.

Miami. Needs Mitch Richmond. Can't beat Chicago. Did I miss anything?

In order. Toronto sucks. Milwaukee sucks less. Good starting five. Needs some depth. Detroit. Hehehe. I guess spending $60 million on Brian Williams and trading for Jerry Stackhouse means you're going to be a .500 club. Pretty sad. Hey Doug Collins, where are you going? I'm going to the unemployment office. Cleveland, Atlanta and Charlotte are all wannabes. And not in the Spice Girls sense, although I wannabe with the Spice Girls. But I digress. None of those three have the talent to beat Chicago nor Miami consistently. Next year boys. Pack it in.

In the west, there are a few teams who are having good years. Seattle and the Lakers are trucking along at break neck pace.

I like how Kobe Bryant made it to the All-Star game. He was voted by the fans. I guess it's good to play in the second largest market in the U.S. Remember, A.C. Green was voted into the All-Star game ahead of Karl Malone. As stupid as that sounds, it's the way it is. And I like it. At least the reigning dunk champion will be able to show his wares at the big game.

Let me cast my vote for Vin Baker, right now. He should make it. He's such a good player. He's the best power forward this side of Karl Malone. Vin plays hard and keeps his mouth shut and rarely turns the ball over. He's a professional.

I'll be the first to prognosticate the 2Ball event at the All-Star game. The winner will be Sacramento, with Mitch Richmond and Ruth Bolden-Holyfield. Mitch can shoot. So can Ruthie. I would have said Sheryl Swoops and Clyde Drexler, but Sheryl isn't going to be in it. It's Cynthia Cooper instead. The big loser will be New York. Rebecca Lobo and Allan Houston? Clang clang clang goes the ball.

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