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Membership into HAUG provides you with many advantages, the most valuable, of course,
is the networking of many professionals just like you. We are fortunate to belong to
a community of engineering drafters and designers as well as systems administrators and
data gurus who all have worlds of experience in manipulating or supporting AutoDesk
products in some way. These people are HAUG! The meetings are important to
bring that experience out to the masses. From these meetings we derive our
newsletter and library. These services are the basis on which HAUG survives.
- Meetings
- Scheduled for the second Tuesday of every month, unless otherwise posted. This is
a rich opportunity for many of us to gather, talk and learn from each other.
Speakers will be brought in to teach on various platforms and products.
Raffles and give-aways will be commonplace for meeting attendees.
- Newsletter
- We will rely on AUGI for a period of time to help produce our newsletter but we hope to
get an editor and staff together to produce a top notch compilation of our stories and
- HAUG Library
- HAUG will be collecting as much electronic data, files and drawings as possible to be
shared among our members. Only members in good standing will be permitted
access to our library. I am sure that this will be in huge demand and will
become social center for HAUG.