We are located in Red Bluff, Tehama County, California.
Red Bluff is in the northeast corner of California, on I-5, between Chico and Redding. Red Bluff is near Mt Lassen, and the fishing is good in the surrounding streams.
We offer a Camping Holiday for the entire family, with horseback riding, hiking, and fly fishing for Dad.

If you would like to saddle up and ride, to enjoy the Great Outdoors on horseback,
to see what is beyond the billboards and over the hill...

Or if you've always loved horses, never learned to ride, but always dreamed that 'Someday' you would...

If you'd enjoy a campfire barbeque with cowboy-beans and biscuts, and the marvelous aroma of Camp Coffee in the early morning...

If you'd like to kick back and swap stories - or strum your ol' guitar in the excellent company of other country-lovin' folks...

If you'd love to sleep under the stars, in the fresh air - with the smell of pines, saddles, camp-coffee...

If you'd like to fall asleep listening to the sounds of horses stirring in the corral under the stars, - a calling owl, - occasionally a coyotes song in the moonlight...

If you'd like a holiday for the Kids, but you'd really like to go fishing, and your time is so limited that you thought you couldn't do BOTH...

If you are planning to propose to that Very Special Someone in your life, and you really want to make it Unusual and Romantic...

Or perhaps you have a Really Exciting Announcement to make to a Very Special Someone...

If you need to find a surprise treat for a Specal Kid in your life, to celebrate a birthday, graduation, special accomplishment, 'going-away' or 'welcome-back' gift that will be memorable...

Or if you are wracking your brain to find a pleasant and natural way to fit a new step-child or step-parent into your family, wishing to find a comfortable bonding experience...

Maybe you used to do a lot of horseback riding and fishing as a kid, and you just flat-out WANT TO try it again...

You CAN!!

You can spend a long weekend camping and riding and fishing!
You can have rides in a Pony Cart, learn about feeding and caring for horses, and have a wonderful time!
(you can learn to ride, too!)

Today is a good time to start!


The HorsesRus Camp is closed until further notice.

We recommend that you go to our good friend and neighbor's Dude Ranch in the meantime. It is primarily a Fishing Lodge, but the B & B is open all year round, and they have horses, all the beautiful scenery your eyes can hold - and it is private and quiet. (I hear the food is scrumptious too, and that's pretty important after a long day in the FRESH AIR!)

Oasis Springs Lodge, California's only Orvis endorsed fly fishing lodge


A link to their BROCHURE is provided at end of this page for your convenience.
Ask for Jake and Burna, and tell them Mary-Ann promised you will have a wonderful time!
(Ask for a Pony Cart Ride!!!)


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WHOA   THERE   ...I   SAID   WHOA...!!!



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