You may have seen poet Michelle Serros (Chicana Falsa) make "Spam Espectacular" with  El Chef Chafo,  Richard reheated leftover meat loaf, and if you may have caught Flavio preparing cold cut sandwiches for a poker party.  But what it all comes down to is that Latinos / Mexicanos / Chicanos / Pochos will eat anything when hungry enough.
But what you will see on this page are secrets handed down from our family, friends, guests, and even you.  So grab a pen, or just press "print", but whatever you do, we are not held responsible for your weight gain.  Feel free to e-mail me your secrets and I will post them here for the world to see.

October 1999
Sopa de Estrallitas (Pasta Soup)
If your as poor as I am, these packages for .25 go a long way.  My mom use to make them all the time, maybe it was because they were so good.  Maybe we had no meat in the 'fridge.  Anyway, my wife taught me this simple treat.

Limonada Sin Fresas
-Laura Estrada-

May 1999
Chilaquiles (Cheesy Tortilla Strips)
One of the fine all day snack foods that will really clog up those arteries.  With cut up corn tortillas, Monterey Jack cheese, tomato sauce, and oil.

Enchiladas con Pollo (Chicken) de Jack Esmith

     2 cups cooked and shredded chicken (boneless)
     3 cups shredded monterey jack cheese
     1/2 cup chopped white onion
     1 can red or green chile enchilada sauce 18 oz
     8 corn tortillas
     3/4 cup sour cream
     1 can chopped green chiles

coming soon...
MICHELADA (for you beer lovers)
Mail your favorite recipes to:
ILLEGAL interns
2168 S. Atlantic Blvd. P.M.B. #332
Monterey Park, CA 91754
ILLEGAL interns
1999 c/safados