Shayla-Shayla--Cool Anime Chica Number Five
Shayla-Shayla is the fiery priestess of Mt. Muldoon and also the #5 Cool Anime Chica in Icy Neptune!
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"You know my name then you know my powers!"
Now in all honesty...
How could I not put her in the top five????

So she may be a little uptight and no duh she needs to lighten up. Maybe she needs to take some yoga too...but Shayla's DA BOMB, oke! The greatest line in a dub EVER was, "You know my name then you know my powers" and no one could have said it better. This chica does NOT play! She's totally capable of her strong points too. Her outfit takes a while to get used to, but this girl is all that.

Another reason I'm chill with Shayla is that she doesn't seem to be quite fond of Nanami and that's dope because I can't stand her either. Argh...then again, anyone forced being related to someone with a laugh like Jinnai's has gotta suck too.

Also, if you look closely, when all the fiery schtick starts flying around Shayla, she makes this face and it's sooo funny! Then again, it's the same multiple tooth face they always use in anime (they use it on UY all the time).

However, Shayla could have had a better rank if she would just get off her high horse for five minutes. Instead of having that little fiery thingy igniting over her head the minute someone ticks her off, she needs to chill with Fujisawa and get her DRINK ON! She's done it before, but for all the damn wrong reasons.

Nonetheless, we love Shayla in this magnificent world of Icy Neptune, which is why we made her the number five CAC of all time!

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