Indrajit Paul's Home Page

Welcome to my new Web page! I am caled IP by the greater part of my world...very close people call me Indra. I've put some stuff I would like to share with many in this page. So Enjoy !!!!

This is ME in a very freaky mood !! don't you get afraid baby,cause I'm much more timid and harmless than I look here...:-)
About Me and this Page
Hey ! every other asshole in this world has got a why not me?
All goes the boring part..I am Indrajit Paul, and Electronics and Communication Engineering Graduate from Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur ( the best place in the world to spend four creative and fun filled year, the worst place to learn Engineering). I'm currently working as a Software Engineer at VeriFone India Ltd. I work on a credit and debit card processing Software and count my days to freedom from this "Software Slavery" and go out in the big world outside and do some stuff only REAL men ought to do... till I do..keep waiting !!!
My interests are Astronomy and Astrophysics and I'll keep adding some cool stuff on this site as and when I get them.
I've started some photography u'll see some pics taken by me.
That's about it...for now..enjoy the page and data I've got to share with ya!!!

MTV..YA HA HA HA HA...Enjoy !!!!
My fav. links on the www

If u ever feel like

contacting me

Just follow the Link and I'll be there ....
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