NAXJA's Inaugural

Forum Fest 1999

This was the North American XJ Association's (NAXJA) Inaugural Forum Fest 99 (FF99). Audrey and I traveled from Chester, VA to the FF99 site in Ouray Co. We attend the trail rides on  26, 27, and 28 July.

Here are some pictures and descriptions:

(Click on images for a larger view)

This is how we traveled to Colorado.        This is the gathering place for the begining of
I was towing my sister's car for her.           each day.

In front is Bones, our trail guide for day   Some of the beautiful scenery in Colorado.

Here is Bones twisting it up a little.

This is the town of Animas Forks. It is      This is Whitmore Falls.
one of the better preserved ghost towns.

If you look closely, you can see a foot
bidge from the left to the cabin. This is
the only access to the cabin. It's for sale,
but if you have to ask "How much?" you
can't afford it :-).

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