I am not an advocate of the current political push for "higher standards" through the use of more standardized testing. In my humble opinion, standardized testing is just one evaluation tool in the quest of education. A student should have to perform in other ways that demonstrate understanding, not just knowledge, through community projects, papers, and presentations. Too many people are getting caught up in the standardized test "numbers game", comparing themselves and other countries to our numbers and wondering why we keep coming up short. Its a simple matter of comparing apples and oranges and scratching one's head when we end up with pears. The more we rely on fact based testing, the less education is really going on in my opinion. A more balanced approach makes more sense (which is probably why it hasn't happened as of yet). The reasoning behind standardized testing is to give the politicians, administrators, and parents concrete "numbers" that they can either praise or bitch about. In reality, standardized testing serve very little purpose when one considers that there are as many ways to learn and demonstrate knowledge as there are students, and testing is only one way of evaluating this knowledge. The acid test for most of this information can be summed up in two questions:
- Show me what you can do with this knowledge.
- Demonstrate what you understand as a result of this knowledge.
I have known students who scored "perfect" on the SAT but if you ask them to make any practical application of the knowledge contained on the SAT, the blank stare and the "Huh?" are enough to convince me that this person has the knolwedge, but no understanding of how to use it. Information is nothing more than a useless list of symbols until it is processed into meaningful knowledge by a human mind. Furthermore, knowledge must then be "plugged into" what the person already knows and utilized in some meaningful way to further their understanding of their world. This is known as Constructivism .
More Information on Standardized Testing
Constructivism: My Educational Philosophy
I hear the words critical thinking being tossed around a lot in the educational community and I just have
one question: What is critical thinking? I'm not exactly sure, it seems to depend on who you ask and why. I
have pondered this question for some time and discovered that I was critically thinking about critical thinking! (Kind of
gets you all warm, fuzzy and metaphysical, doesn't it? see my philosophy page ). Anyway,
I have come to the conclusion that critical thinking is a number of things all having something to do with logically approaching a problem and then discovering the various
solutions available for that problem. This is because many problems in our world have multiple solutions that can be
considered "right" and many that can be considered "wrong," and critical thinking attempts to address solutions to these
kinds of problems. Of course I don't know that I'm any more right about this than you, so I'll just have to let you
explore some links and find out for yourself! ;-)
Do you have a thought about critical thinking (or disagree with me about mine)? Please
E-Mail me and we'll discuss it.
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