The Wizard World Comic convention: DAY 1...

Well, from the beginning, the day was pretty messed up. We, that is, me, my little brother Anthony, and my cousin Danny, left an hour later than I wanted to, and we were, consequently, an hour late. When we first got there, my mission was clear, to seek out and find Erik Larsen. But where could I look. I couldn't find him anywhere, so I decided to hit the dealers. I scored some dope comics, including the Larsen drawn Thor #385, two issues of Doom Patrol that I was missing, and a signed copy of Stray Bullets #1 by David Lapham! Yay! I ended up blowing $18 (!!!!) on three lousy slices of pizza at about noon, and went to the artist's alley looking to find any Fin-Addicts. None.  >=^( I was getting frustrated. I was leaving today early so I could go see the Blair Witch Project today (one day sneak preview!), so I had to find Erik fast, but to no avail. Crap. Oh well, we left, as I was on the train heading home, I read the flier. At the same time as we were on the train, I saw that Larsen was in a panel with other comic guys, including Jeph Leob, Mark Waid, and Brian Pullido.  ARGH! My chance to converse with Erik and my fellow BotFers missed! Dammit. Oh well. We went home, picked up my sister (she wanted to go see Blair Witch too) and headed off to Piper's Alley to see the 6:45 showing. When we got there, guess what? Sold out! No!!!!! So we get tickets for the 10:00 showing, but guess what again? Damn strict age checks restrict my cousin and sister from seeing the bloody movie, double no!!!!!! Stupid Columbine punks! I hope they're experiencing terrible pain in whichever hell they are in... >=^( Oh well, I hope tomorrow will be better. At least I got some cool comics, and some cool movies (Professional uncut and Bad Taste uncut, woohoo!)...

The Booty

*Stray Bullets #20
*Personal Autograph on Stray Bullets #1 by David Lapham
*Big Bang #6
*Batman:  Gotham By Gaslight (Mignola drawn)
*Doom Patrol Annual #1(Larsen drawn)
*Doom Patrol #10 (Larsen drawn)
*Wolverine #134 (Larsen writes)
*The Mighty Thor #385 (Larsen pencils)

*Bad Taste uncut director's version
*The Professional director's cut
*Toxic Avenger uncut director's version (TROMA collector's edition)
*Kickback (Insecticon Transformer)
*Bombshell (Insecticon Transformer)
*Anakin Skywalker toy
*Goldburg toy for lil' brother

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