Jono, Son of Orion

I am a worshipper of the Great Hunter, Orion.

At night in the skyes above our heads is Orion, watching over us all. I Jono, represent one star in the thirteen that make Orion's body. My brothers, sisters and I fight for good in a attempt to balance the wrongs and rights of our troubled world. Each of us uses our strength from Orion in different ways, I tell you the way of Jono.

As a child a longed to be a master of the hunt, often I would skip my studies and go into the forests, testing my aim on the trees. Being one of the north (Nordishlanders) it was in my blood to hunt, yet I could not bring myself to kill for sport, or even meat. It was shortly after my 17th celebration of birth that my true talent was founded, when in the woods I was attacked by an artak cougar, instantly my blood began to race and in a bloody battle I was finally victorius. I now knew what I would do with my future.

My travels led me to the heart of the empire. Shortly after arriving I found out that there was no shortage of fighters, and I was outclassed. I turned to the bars, and was soon exiled for killing a man in a drunken brawl.

Upon my arrival in the Lok'groton island chain I saw a need for my talents. The main town, Puddleby, was on the border of survival, and they needed all the help they could get. I got to training, defending the borders of our town.

One day while studying in the new town library a old dusty black book that had been hidden from view dropped to the floor on my left. It was entitled, Orion the Hunter. the book was all about the exploits of a great Hunter, he had fought all oposition in his life and earned himself a place in the skyes. In all my studies on the mainland I had never heard of this Orion. I asked Edric where he had gotten that book from, he replied that he knew every book in the library and had never seen that one.

I continued my studies and soon decided to start following the ways of the Great Orion. I thought that I may make a clan of hunters, and asked Ugh, Oedipus, Bob, and Cappa if they would be interested, knowing almost nothing of the clan they accepted. With that strong base of people Hunter soon grew to it's limits, and has quickly become one of the top clans.

At this point I turned my training to defence, to defend the weak and help rescues.

I plan to help mold the Lok'groton Islands into a better place to live for all, and fight with the honor and strength of Orion.