November 18, 1999: WHEEEEEE! Commencement is tommorrow night! Wheee! I can't wait! I'll be a highschool graduate! Whee! Dear Tatara, HiYaZ onnichan!! *smiles and gives oniichan a bouquet of roses* them? You could give that to Suzuno if you want! ^_~ Anyway..I got my results already..and I aced my Geography!! Waiiiii!!! That can't be said for my Maths though..T_T Oh..and if you want to know Kurama..I could introduce him to you oniichan! =) Ah well..Ja! *hugs oniichan* Signed, Everlynne Dear Everlynne, Arigatou! Congratulations! We'll share the roses ok? ^_~ Ah, better luck next time in Math, ne? I love to meet new people! Ja! *hugs her back* Tatara Dear Nakago, Hahaha..I didn't know you could be so caring towards children...^_^'s my baby brother..*holds up a 4 yr old fat and kawaii boy* Cute ne? Will you babysit him for me while I go out for a while..^^? I know you aren't exactly the best person to ask, but...ah..I trust you..^^ Bye! *leaves* Signed, Peizhen Dear Peizhen, If you are familiar with my past you might understand why. *scowls* I'm not a babysitter! *glares down at chubby four year old and prepares to chi blast him* Nakago Dear Tomite, *fwaps all who take Tomite's hat and snatches the hat from them* Here Tomite-san! *puts the hat back on Tomite's head* Am I doing a good job? ^^ Oh..and Hikitsu-san, you're very cool..I like your hair! ^_^** Signed, Rong-er Dear Rong-er, Arigatou! *beams to Hikitsu* Nyah! I got a hat protector! Hikitsu: Ah but Rong-er complimented my hair! Nyah! ^_# Arigatou Rong-er-san Wai! Arigatou for protecting my hat! You're doing an excellent job! Tomite Dear Tomo, YAY!! You finally answered!! *gives Tomo a hug* Hee hee! I'm sooo happy! (I'm an annoying fan, ne?) *sighs* Well, my parakeet finally died. Thank you so much for saying goodbye! It ment so much! (really! *sniff*) Let's see . . . *Moon trying to answer all of his questions* oh yeah! You asked why Truth or Dare is so kowai at teen parties, right? Well I was at my friend's house for Halloween, and we played Truth or Dare with some guys, and some IDIOT (no names, Walker) dared this scary guy to put his arms around me, etc. It was really scary, cuz I had always sorta hated and admired this guy at the same time, and he's just so intimidating!! *Moon turns pale* I just realized he looks sorta like Nakago. *temporarily passes out* Back onto the serious subject . . . Why are you fighting with Nuriko?? I don't get it! I really don't! How the hell did this fight start anyway?! *shakes her head in disbelief* My two favorite characters fighting each other . . .! Can you two PLEASE just get along!?!?! P.S. I'm sorry if I am an annoying fan, but my lifestyle doesn't allow me to be carefree and have fun while using my real name. So this is the only time I can have fun without feeling restricted. See, usually people around me tend to restrict themselves because they think that I am nothing but a goody-two-shoes tattletale teacher's pet. (only half true. ^^;;) And for that same reason, everyone always compares their answers and their papers to mine, which really affects my mental status more than they realize. *desperately tries to be an optimist for Tomo's sake* Next year, though, I'll be going to a different school, and everything will be better! I really hope . . . P.P.S. Am I insane? Signed, Moon Dear Moon, Nani? Nakago? *drools* ^^ Nuriko.... Ah, the crossdressing freak who can't make up his/her mind if it's a male or female or which sex it likes and who doesn't know how to apply makeup? ^_^ I'm not sure really how it all started, I think someone asked me a question and I answered it and the man... er... woman, or whatever the heck you call "IT" didn't like my answer and their came the MAKEUP WARS ^_^ Kakakaka I'm really enjoying this argument actually, helps me brush up on insults for when I encounter Soi. Ah, so you appear to be something your not? ^_- I'm sure you'll make a bunch of other students at the new school crazy! And if it's any consolation - you're not as insane as me! KAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKAKA!!!!!!! Tomo Dear Nakago, Hi! Happy Birthday!! *Moon hands him a cake and a chibi Tomo doll and a Tomo plushie from Momoko* Anyway, Momoko and I were talking about the Blair Witch today, and we want to ask you a question. *they turn into chibis with super-huge eyes* Are you the Blair Witch?! Signed, Moon & Momoko Dear M&M, Arigatou..... *pauses and looks oddly at the doll* Nani? A-ano, I don't like Tomo that much.... *scowls and drops the dolls* Blair Witch? *pauses* I haven't seen that movie. Gomen I can't answer that. *smirks* Nakago Dear Suboshi, *mizu and yuri walk up to suboshi* Rayne: Hi old man. shiro: help me yuri is tackling me for fun o.O; and she's putting me in a chinchilla suit o.O; Rayne: *snickers* yuri: *stuffs rabbit chow into his mouth* Rayne: *laughs* mizu: ano...i thought we where just here to introduce suboshi to his clones, rayne and shiro mizu hoshi: shiro:*spits the rabbit chow out accidentaly on suboshi's shoe* Rayne: Nice aim, Shiro. ^_- mizu: yuri torture your own clone shiro needs to be in top shape for his job yuri: =p mizu: shiro can't go around being my assasin looking like a chinchilla -.-# yuri: but it makes him look cute ^^ mizu: *sweatdrops* then put it on rayne then i can't have shiro walking around in a chinchilla suit -.-# yuri: oh good idea ^^ Rayne: NO! Thats not a good idea! yuri: *is grinning* mizu: *sweatdrops* i think we should get this settled first then we'll be back ^.^;;; Rayne: But I thought you said we were going to talk to Suboshi? yuri: yeah! ^^; mizu: maby we should settle this first then we'll be back like i said ^.^;; Rayne: *still wondering about the two suboshis* Rayne: *looks at Suboshi* Hey dad... do you have the chicken gene? Just wondering. [Letter edited by Rayne] Signed, Rayne, Shiro, Yuri, and Mizu Dear RSYM, N-nani? Suboshi Dear Tamahome's Family, *tries not to be overwhelmed by their cuteness* hi! ^^ * gives them a large cookie to each for them to eat* um... doesn't it bother you that Suboshi's near you when answering letters? If he does try to make trouble for you guys again, just tell me, ok? *smiles* Signed, Yuri Dear Yuri, Wai! Wai! Wai! SUGOI! Sugar! ^_^ *all go hyper after devouring cookies* A-ano, you're bordering spoiler time! ^^ He doesn't bother us and we don't bother him, but yes we're a bit uncomfortable. Yuiren: Wai!!! Suboshi ate my cookie! Suboshi: Nani?! I did not! *pointing at cookie crumbs around Yuiren's face* Yuiren: Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Tamahome's Family Dear Keisuke, Hi hi! *clings to his arm and goes starry eyed* How about a date? *_* j/k! ^^ Anyway... why didn't you and the rest of the ppl/seishi here help Nykee-san out when she was busy? Hm? hmm? Signed, Yuri Dear Yuri, Konbanwa! Date? *smiles* A-ano, Nykee-chan wouldn't let us touch her computer! Really! ^^0 Say, I like your hair, is that a new 'do? ^^ Keisuke Dear Ashitare, gomen but I can't resist asking this question... do you like cats? ^^;;;;; Signed, Yuri Dear Yuri, Yes, they good and crunchy with ketchup! T_T Ashitare Dear Suboshi, Hey... I hope you're not bothering Tamahome's family while you're not answering letters...are you? ¬_¬ Signed, Yuri Dear Yuri, Nani? We barely talk! Yuri: WAHHHHH!!!! MY COOKIE! *steps on his toe* Itai! Itai! Itai! I didn't do it! Suboshi Dear Hikitsu, *blinks* you remind me of Bart from Xenogears. Signed, Yuri Dear Yuri, Gomen, I'm not familiar with that character.... Is that good or bad? Hikitsu Dear Tatara, I hope Nykee likes the card I sent to her! ^^ *plays with his hair* I love your hair! ^^ How do you make it look like that? So far I think Hotohori, Tomo, and you have the most beautiful (and long) hair... do you know anyone else that I left out? ^^;; Signed, Yuri Dear Yuri, Hai, she loved it very much! Arigatou for your compliments. Gomen, I don't know but I suppose everyone has nice hair! ^^ Tatara Dear Seiryuu Seishi, coke or pepsi? ^^ Signed, Yuri Dear Yuri, Well, we can't distinguish a big difference between the two, only that we prefer Diet Pepsi to Diet Coke and Coca~Cola to regular Coke. Overall? Ok here goes: Nakago: Coca~Cola Soi: Diet Pepsi! (gotta watch the girlish figure ^_-) Tomo: Cokakakaka~Colahakakakka Ashitare: Coke Suboshi: Pepsi Amiboshi: Pepsi Miboshi: Diet Coke Hope that's answered your question ^^ P.S. Get more creative with these and with all the seishi, opposed to popular belief, we really do love answering this type of question! Seiryuu Seishi Dear Nakago, Nakkie! I need your opinion! which song is the most irrtating and annoying, this hamster dance song at or your song, 'Blue Eyes, Blue'? PS: BTW.... did you know when I first listened to the first part of your song my ears hurt for about 10 days? even Mitsukake couldn't cure it! I want medical compensation! NOW!! Signed, Yuri Dear Yuri, Definately the hamster dance, *smirks* Gomen, but I can't compensate for what damage was already there from listening to the Suzaku CD previously. Nakago Dear Tomo, Help me! I'm a gay guy who is constantly having girls fall madly in love with me. I don't understand it. I think one of them wrote to you guys, actually... Anyway, help me! What am I supposed to tell them? Just because I'm handsome, godlike, and full of irresistable charm is no reason for all of this. ^^;; Signed, Su-kun Dear Su-kun, I think that they fall for you simply because they can't have you..., sad really. I know what it's like to be just like that! (Nykee: .... and arrogant too ....) Tell them what you told me, that's you're gay and uninterested, if that's what the case is. ^_^ Tomo