Here are some fun pictures of the time we went to Apple River and camped out at The Hideaway Campgrounds. These pictures were taken on two different trips.. 4th Of July, and July 25 - 28th 1997.. Theres alot of pictures on this page, so please give it some time to load. :) Thanks and Enjoy! - "T"

Heres a picture of some of the gang, chillin' at the campground.. Its kinda messy, musta been Saturday afternoon.. hehe..

Here's another one, but this was taken at night, *duh* Doesnt it look all nice and cozy? Gives me warm fuzzies! Wish I were there! :)

Here's part of our friends gettin' ready to go tubing down the river! Brr! Looks like some cold water! *yikes!

There they go floatin' down the river! Weeeee! *Have fun guys!*

Here's Nicki doin' the Sshhicken dance! You Go Gurl! >:)

This is a picture of Jason (Kilo) and Dee.. What a cute couple! :)

Heres a *not so pretty* picture of "Joker" and "Kilo" 's back side... Talk about "Back that thang up"..

Here's a picture of Cassie, Frenchie, and Christina.. Frenchie was a neighbor of ours, Look at that, its a clock on his tummy.. Wonder what happens at 6:30???

Here's a picture of Vampi & I at the Eatery.. We had just shared a drink of Cap'nCoke (we drank it at the same time.. Hahaha!

Here's a picture of Taz after she got back from Mud Wrestling.. Boy that was fun.. :)

Here's Honey, Floatin' down the river! :) Wonder what or WHO she's lookin' at?!

This is Max.. He's one of the biggest partiers I know! He's always havin' kick ass house parties! Go Max!! :)

Heres us girls, holdin' up our Hootchie Mama's! (Its a drink.. Yummy!)

Here's a picture of Mark and Nicki! Awe.. How cute :)

Ooh! Sparklers!!

Take it off baby!!! >:) Here's Kilo doin' a lil' jig!

Here's me floatin' down the river.. Uh oh! My drink's gone! OH NO!!!