Looking In...
Looking In

Copyright Oct 10/1997 Kate Kemery

As I look into my screen,

As I sit in my chair watching ever word we write...

I feel the warmth of your words,

I see them and they make me feel alive again...

As I watch what you say to me,

It warms my heart in so many ways...

As I feel like you're with me at all times,

As I sit and feel what we say and want to do...

As I feel the like hands on my knees that make me feel so good inside of me...

Though no other can touch me...

I feel if I know you through the words that you have written to me,

As we sit and look at our screens day and night...

We feel the special kind of love that comes through the words on the screen in front of us,

As we sit and look at our screens, wondering if it is true how we feel about our love...

Do you think you know me by my words?