Implantation by Da'el

Part 3

Sitting on the cold floor of the small cave Via looked outside where the spring storm was finally calming down. Zo'or was sitting few meters from her completely immobile. The Synod leader has not said a word for more than an hour, and being annoyed, hungry, and cold, Via was not in a good mood but kept her "implant attitude." More than six hours has passed since the accident, and it was raining for at least two of them. When ID core ruptured they have been thrown here, Zo'or explained that such things happened before and that the occurrence should correct itself in a few days. The prospect of spending few more days here, in this state was not appealing. Via did not even know where or even when they were. Zo'or was not the most patient teacher. All he considered necessary for his implant to know is that the anomaly has misplaced them across all four dimensions, so they should be somewhere in the recent past. Stating that she would not be able to comprehend the specifics, Zo'or told the implant that all she needed to know is that the phenomenon is self-corrective and they will be moved back to their time with the accuracy ranging from few hours to few days. Having found the cave as soon as they were thrown out of interdimensional space they landed here, between the shore of the most beautiful lake and a forest composed of typical northern vegetation. Suddenly the rains stopped and in a few minutes the sun came out from behind the clouds.

Via walked outside. It was a beautiful spring day. Light refreshing wind caressed her face, slightly messing up her hair. She took a deep breath. Fresh smell of the forest was still her favorite fragrance. She had not felt so alive in a long time.

The soothing noise of the trees swayed by wind made her want to forget everything that was going on Earth right now and just stay here. She felt the magic and the wonder of nature: the feeling that she used to have when she was a little girl and read the folk tales of magical creatures living in the depths of the forest. The feeling was dulled by the city, her detective work, and every day reality in general. Only now she realized how much she missed it.

The sun was setting. The sky was colored in shades of purple and light whispers of the wind made grass bow to earth. A few ripples went across the mirror surface of the lake.

Upon turning Via found that Zo'or too had left their shelter and was standing beside her. He was looking at the horizon, where the clouds, touched by the deceptive intricate lighting of the dawn, seemed to rest on the ground.

"It is quite beautiful," Zo'or said quietly. "Tell me, what do you think when you look at this scenery?" he inquired without changing the tone.

"I don't. I just feel.... I forgot what it is like just to feel without thinking," she whispered. Suddenly, realizing whom she was talking to, Via felt uncomfortable for letting herself open up like that.

Sensing her change of the mood, Zo'or himself returned to more appropriate tone. "You will require nourishment and heat for the duration of our stay. It would be unwise to delay the search for them any further." he stated flatly.

"I will gather some dry twigs. They are the best fuel available out here." Replied Via.

Zo'or gestured to her to proceed. Than he turned his gaze to the setting sun.

"Will he be all right?" asked Lili when Da'an finished explaining the situation.

"Yes, our scientists say he should journey back safely. Except he will lack nourishment. Right now Zo'or's presence in the commonality is very faint. He will require additional energy to sustain himself," explained Da'an.

"So what is going to happen? Are there any substitutes to the energy stream?"

"One. I fear that detective Wolnoff may not survive the endeavor," quietly replied Da'an not willing to meet Lili's eyes.

"We should do something. We can't just let it happen," protested Lili.

"I fear that there is nothing anyone can do." Sadness in the Companion's voice was evident.

A Taelon in his natural form entered the office. After approaching Da'an and the pilot he stopped to assume human form. "I have been chosen to assume Zo'or's duties in his absence," he informed Da'an who nodded in compliance.

"I will provide whatever assistance you require, Fa'al." Da'an answered in his usual calm tone.

"Are you familiar with Zo'or's current assignments in the United Nations?" inquired new Taelon.

"Yes," Da'an answered simply.

"Than you will take over Zo'or's duties in this matter. I will tend to all other projects."

"Was it the recommendation of the Synod, or your own choice?" suddenly asked Da'an.

"What relevance does it have?" Fa'al shot him a defiant look.

Da'an did not respond.

"Such was a recommendation of the Synod." Fa'al replied quietly after a long pause.

"I thank you," said Da'an in a strangely emotional voice.

The other Taelon blushed lightly and hurried to extend his arms in a farewell gesture.

By the time darkness descended, Via had already made the necessary preparations. She gathered some wild fruit and enough fuel to last the night. As she started the fire Zo'or came and sat near her. He did not speak, and was sitting without any movements. It made Via feel awkward. Reaching out for the berries she collected earlier, she asked, "Zo'or, how do you sustain yourself? You must need some kind of food..."

"Do not concern yourself with that matter," sharply spit out Zo'or. "The nourishment I need is not available here."

The human touched a matter he was contemplating for some time now. He needed the energy stream. He could feel the urge that was stronger than he was prepared for. The link with the Commonality stretches across dimensions and was still present, but he never felt it being so weak. Perhaps the forth dimension affected it stronger. He needed the additional energy. The only available source of it... he did not wish to take this course of action, but with each passing hour the hunger increased. He no longer felt in control and that was not acceptable.

Being warm, and finally eating, Via finally felt relaxed. There appeared to be no danger, and in two days they should be getting back safely. Perhaps she could use this time to learn something from Zo'or. She raised her eyes to look at him and almost choked. He was staring at her with his eyes far bluer than usual. Suddenly she felt unexplainable fear.

Zo'or rose to his feet and walked to the woods. It was clear he did not wish to be followed, but Via went after him. When she caught up with him, the Taelon was standing on the outskirts of the small clearing, leaning on a tree. He was looking at the moonlight bouncing off the rocks nearby.

"Leave me," he ordered without turning to see her.

"You do need food," she suddenly understood.

Zo'or did not respond.

"The atavus," she guessed. "That is how Taelons sustained themselves before the creation of the commonality. That is the food you need?" she continued as a chill ran down her spine.

"Yes." Zo'or's voice showed his strain.

"Taking my energy is the only way you can survive." Zo'or blushed blue. "No Taelon has fed this way since the Commonality was created. It is abhorrent…" the movement of his fingers stood out sharply in contrast to his still body. Of course the implant would offer her life for his survival. She is programmed to do so. But looking at her face he saw so much emotion that was different to what he has observed in humans around him. He did not know how, but he knew that she would not let him die even without an implant. There was this… nobility of the creature, that essence that could be recognized across cultures and species. Zo'or closed his eyes. It matters not. There is too much at stake, he cannot allow himself to revert. He has a responsibility to the entire Taelon race and he will prevail. He will do whatever is necessary, he will argue with Fates themselves if it need be. But not yet, although the hunger was growing with every hour. Primal and savage, it was growing, overpowering him. Zo'or struggled to stay in control of himself. He used all his will to remain still. He could feel human's energy. It was to him as a smell of fresh baked bread to a man dying from hunger. There was no other solution. Delaying would not save her. But something, in the depths of his being, was fighting. Fighting the hunger and the logic, not allowing him to submit to the drive. He felt it without comprehending and in an impulse generated by that feelings he could not understand, in a split second, he made an unreasonable choice.

"Leave now! It is an order!" he demanded in a forceful voice.

Via complied-- something emanating from that being caused irrational fear, the one that could not be controlled or reasoned out. It was more than the fear of dying, it was something deeper and darker. She stumbled through the forest not noticing the twigs hitting her face as she ran faster. The feeling subsides when she got to the fire. With an effort, Via convinced herself to sit down and evaluate the situation.

Zo'or was now alone. He could feel himself loosing the grip--thoughts became hard to form and ripples disrupted his body, briefly appearing at random. He felt something terrifying rising from inside of him, the beast that his people tried to expunge from their history and their memory, but it survived suppressed deep inside each of them, waiting to be awaken. No, he could not… His defiant mind refused to accept such fate. Summoning all emotions in one last effort of his mind he drew the strength from them in the desperate attempt to hold on to his identity. It worked, for a moment he was back, old Zo'or. But in few seconds this terrifying entity from inside began to advance again. At that moment he felt the energy somewhere to the right. Not thinking he leaped to the direction of the being and came face to face with a huge brown bear. Already half the beast himself, Zo'or felt no fear. He gripped the animal with both hands and its life force flowed into him filling the void in which his mind was about to descend.

When Zo'or dropped the dried up animal carcass to the ground he was again himself. New energy sustained his link and his thoughts begun to clear. He looked at his deed with disgust, but he had to accept the reality. At least it was not the implant, he thought. Yet the shame and fear were still overwhelming. What he was about to become… Only now he comprehended what Da'an must have gone through… Zo'or tried to calm down and clear his mind. He suddenly remembered an ancient Taelon meditation ritual Da'an once taught him. It was not something he ever believed in, but for some reason it came to him now, and he wished to perform it. He sat on the ground assuming the required pose and concentrated.

The sun was coming up when Zo'or was ready to return to the campsite. As he approached, he saw Via was sitting by the extinguished fire. She got up as soon as she saw him.

"Zo'or, are you all right?" she walked up to him.

"Yes, for now," he answered tiredly.

"But how…" started Via, but Zo'or shot her such a look she did not dare to continue. But she knew what the only reasonable explanation could be. He fed. But how? The worst possible thought occurred to her: there might be some humans around, and if Zo'or accidentally bumped into one… She had to ask.

"Was it human?"

"No." Replied Zo'or dryly.

"Does that mean you are going to be alright? " Via inquired.

"I will require more," he stated. "I can feel it already."

It was strange and disturbing to hear Zo'or's voice without his usual confidence. There was no doubt that he was shaken up by the experience and only his sheer determination held him together.

Via waited for him to continue but he did not. She was not sure what to say.

"Is there anything you want me to do, Zo'or?" she asked to end the prolonged silence.

Zo'or gestured that her assistance was not required.

Lili looked at Doors who was nervously pacing from one wall to the other. She did not wish to tell him but there was nothing else left to do. He had a right to know.

"We should have killed that damned alien a long time ago," he finally let out.

"Jonathan, such situation could not be predicted. Besides, we do not know that she is dead," Lili tried to reason.

"He has killed many before that, and we should have taken more decisive actions. Maybe if we did that, many things would be different right now." Responded Doors somberly. "When the Taelon returns I will correct my mistakes."

Lili knew that arguing with him now would be a waste of time.

Zo'or observed his implant as she went to the lake to wash her face. He will need more in just a few hours. The chances of meeting another large animal are negligible. The implant will have to provide. He won't take all though. Maybe if he were to stop after taking just enough to keep from reverting she will survive. In any case, that is what he has to do. Yet he felt such apprehension about taking a life himself, especially in that way. That was one of the things rooted deeply in every Taelon's mind.

The serene picture around him was such a contrast to the pictures he has seen since birth. And the memories of his parents were no different. This illusion will not last. It will become the same burnt desolate speck of dust on their star map, as thousands of planets before it. Nothing can be done about it. The only thing that he can do and must do as a leader is to squeeze out everything this race has to offer before that happens. Yes, they are somehow different, they have more potential than others they encountered. All the more reasons to use them wisely. As for the implant, he cannot put one human's life before his plan. He has fought too long and sacrificed too much to give up now. If she dies he will have to live with it. And can live with it. Zo'or felt cold furry rising up and pushing out these weaker thoughts. His strength was returning. The life of one being was an acceptable price.

Lili went up the ram in Da'an office. She was not sure why she came without being called. She just wanted to be near Da'an right now. Feeling helpless to do anything but wait, and no longer able to stay with Doors, Lili seeked out Da'an's company for it always had strange peaceful effect on her.

She walked up to him. Not being sure how to explain her coming here, she paused to let Da'an speak first. He did not. The Taelon seemed to accept her presence without any inquires.

"Are you sure she is dead?" Lili asked Da'an after a long pause.

"I fear that this is the most probable case," replied the Companion.

"So there is a possibility she might survive?" asked Lili hopefully.

Da'an gave her a look full of sadness: "There was a surge of energy into Zo'or a few hours ago. I am truly sorry for your friend." Da'an lowered his head not willing to meet her gaze.

Sitting in a shadow of a large pine tree Via thought that it was one of the most beautiful spring afternoons she has seen in a long time. It was as warm as if it was the summer but the sun shone with spring softness. That wonderful spring smell of plants and flowers and soothing singing of the tiny birds above finally alleviated the anxiety that hunted her since the morning conversation with Zo'or. She closed her eyes and drifted off.

She woke up from sensing someone's presence. Opening her eyes she found Zo'or looking at her intensely. When their eyes met he blushed blue. Moving closer he kneeled beside her. Via's heart fell as she realized that it was time.

"I will only take what I need to survive," Zo'or's strained voice broke the serene light sounds of the forest.

He put his hands on the base of her neck. He could now sense her energy. It was not at all like an energy stream or the animal he consumed earlier. It was life, young, fresh, and effervescent. He was stunned by the sensation and for a brief moment even hunger gave way to his curiosity. Probing further Zo'or felt the sensations of her body experiencing them through her. It was such a strange and incredible experience that

Due to the severe lack of time I have not been able to finish the story as I intended, and with finals coming up I am not sure when I will be able to post the rest. If you would like to be notified when next part is posted e-mail me. I would also appreciate any comments or suggestions. Thanks.

Part 4 of Implantation    Other Stories by Da'el