Go to my new and improved
Moncus, Shakin The Monkee Tree!
Click on the banner above!
I am leaving all the pages here
in case someone finds it with a search engine, or if you have bookmarked
something in particular it will
still be there, but I urge you to change your bookmarks to the new site.
I will be constantly updating the new site with all the new information
people send me, or info I find myself.
It has been requested that I include all the spellings of our name to
help other family members who may not realize we are the same family. That
is truly a big project. I have found around 30 myself. Most of them were
probably onetime screwups of whatever official was trying to spell Muncus.
The first spelling I find is for Old William "Muncus". He was everyone's
greatX? grandfather, I think. The most common spellings still used today
seem to be: Monkres,Monkers, Munkres, Moncus, Munkus and Muncus. There
were many more in the past though. I am a Moncus. At least I was...now
I'm Kimberly Anne Moncus Brown. I really want to know where Old William
came from. Does anyone know for sure? I challenge you all to find out!
Have fun! For more information on the various spellings of the Moncus name,
check the link "Variations".
Points of Interest
NEW Updated
Moncus web-site!
This is something I am proud of, Moncus, Shakin the Monkee Tree.
Family History
Some Questions I am trying to answer about my family history
George Tyler Wilson
My GGgdad, Confederate Soldier (Info about him)
Benjamin Muncus's Dynasty
This is just a simple text file of part of the Moncus Family Tree. It would
be suitable to print or save as a file. To come back here from this text
page, use your backspace or click on back!
Moncus Family Tree
(converted from a gedcom)
I'm so proud of this! This links to the main index which gives the first
and last name on each index page. There is a link to bring you back here
from this main index.
Kimberlady's Non-tripod
Chat I will try to be on every Sunday night at 8:00 Eastern.
me to schedule a chat at any time!
My Guestbook
My Guestbook
Past Guestbook Entries
Very entertaining....check out these stories! Or email a family member,
if they left their Address!
Kimberlady's Surnames
very simple list of my family surnames, I'll keep you posted as it improves.
Some Links I have found
very useful
I finally got around to doing this! My useful Links...
Variations Of Moncus
Name (spellings)
Here's the list!
Family Legends and
"True" Tales
Read and learn,
laugh, and send me some more!
B.C. Munkus
This Story gets a page to itself!
Click on Andrew Jackson Moncus for some pictures...
Or, view these and more pictures in the family album!
This is a
really cool page! I have put up a site search, and some other neat stuff
on this search page! Please check it out!
Some of these I made with a program on my computer, some I made online
with an online "banner generator" Go grab one for your site, or just go
look! They are really neat, and are not Moncus only, I made Munkres,
Munkus etc. so go get one!

have watched me shaking the leaves!
This Banner
not free.
If you want a free banner that you don't have to make yourself,(different
than the banners I made) go to Goodweb's
All you have to do is link back to them like this (if you don't know
how, they tell you)
Then they will make one for you.