Krystallin and Meeechelley's Page O' Wonderment

This is the Krystallin and Meeechelley page where we rule supreme. Only cheezy and strange things are allowed. Thank you, you may pass.

The Weather in Hell

Welcome to our world. Pull up a chair, maybe put on some Burt Bacharach (or Pavement, whatever suits your fancy) and make yourself comfy. Enjoy your stay.


We are under construction at the moment, so please excuse the mess and don't impale yourself on any 2x4's. We don't have anything worth being sued over. Also please bear with us as we go along, for this is our first foray into that wacky, zany thing computer geeks around the world call HTML. So if this site is a little messy and kind of crooked, well at least we have an excuse. Thank you for your time and patience.(And don't forget to stop by often and see the changes and additions we've made!)


Instead of having Krystallin write here to tell what is new and updated and waste space, we gave her her own page! So if you want to know what's going on with the page before you scroll down, this is the place to go. Or you can go just to read Krystallin's little sentiment and talk about how dreamy she is. It's a veritable wasteland for stalker wannabes!

Greetings and Salutations. So are you wondering just who are Krystallin and Meeechelley? Let us fill you in. We met years and years ago when we were but mere lasses in junior high. 7th grade to be exact. We met, we talked, we were friends. But it wasn't until 11th grade or so when our mutual love of cheezy movies, especially musicals ("Newsies" anyone?), and a hatred for plastic cheerleaders and "Look-at-me-I'm-God" jocks cemented our friendship. Whether we were sending the Horrid Little Gnome (or the FMSS for short--thats Funky Midget Shape Shifter for those of you not familliar with acronyms) into fits of rage or drinking Rasberry Chiller's (or Chilla's depending on what part of the ghetto you're from) by the gallon (why oh why havn't they invented an IV drip for NORMAL beverages yet???) we were having fun. So that's where the friendship started. And we've been sharing a brain ever since.

Krystallin on the left, Micha on the right.

We need some information! Stat!

Want to know what's really goin on in Krystallin's head? CLICK HERE IF YOU DARE

Want to know all of Meechelley's dark secrets? We thought so. CLICK HERE FOR SOME FUN READIN'

Micha's Special Art Page

Hey kid, you know how to read? Then try All Newsies, All the Time

Want to see what we're ranting about this week? JUST REMEMBER TO STOP, DROP, AND ROLL IN CASE OF AN EMERGENCY

Think you're ready to handle ALL the rants ALL at once? GODSPEED!

Here it is, our brandspankin new LINKS PAGE (it's a party! my pants)

Boys that make us swoon.. SOUND INTERESTING?

Boys that rock... THAT ABOUT SUMS IT UP

Do you love movies as much as we do? Then you'll love MOVIES A-GO-GO!

Wanna see the kick-ass intro page I created but for some reason won't work? Me too! LET'S GO!

Comments or Questions? Email us!

(please make sure that you mention something about our site in your reference line or we are liable to delete your message. Thanks!)

Email Krystallin

Email Meeechelley

This many people have entered our domain But how many came back in one piece? MUHAHAH!

(disregard everything our counter says. it's a compulsive liar))

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Tina the Troubled Teen Uncle Hyman

link to us!

COPYRIGHT INFO Hi, we're Krystallin and Meeechelley. We don't own, nor are affiliated in any way, with the Disney Corp. who owns all copyrights and licensing for the movie "Newsies." We also have no affiliation with those associated with "The Rocky Horror Picture Show." As a matter of fact, let us go further and say we have no affiliation with anybody. We're just 2 poor college kids and this page is for pure entertainment. If we happen to step on anyone's toes and have done something we shouldn't have, please inform us and the offensive/illegal material will be taken down faster than you can say "supercalafragilisticexbeealadocious" (doh! more disney infringement!). We mean no harm, and please don't sue us. Thanks! :)(sidenote: we changed the music yet again. I (Krystallin) get bored and feel the need to change things. This is a clip from "Heathers," one of the greatest movies ever! That's Christian Slater's voice in case you were wondering).