**WISDOM** :What does 50% off when you buy 2 mean? It is really 25% off of each item. The new marketing trick!!
**LITTLE KNOWN TRAVEL SPOTS**:The worlds largest hot spring is in Thermopolis Wyoming.
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Biographical Information
Married for 12 years, 4 children, 2 cats and one dog. My oldest daughter is 16. I gave her up for adoption when she was a baby. I have missed her greatly in my life. We reunited in April 1998, that was a wonderful day in my life. My oldest son is 12. He is in middle school. I have a 9 year old son. He is in 3rd grade. My youngest child is my 3 year old daughter. I was blessed in 1996 with my younger daughter being born and my older daughter coming back in my life through letters. I have been very blessed to be able to raise the 3 children that I am raising now.
Personal Interests
Travel ~Information and news ~ Adoption issues ~Psychology ~Y2k issues ~ Reading~ Business Owner ~Childcare Provider ~Computer user (enjoyed greatly creating my hompage myself) ~ I love god
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"Love Pot"
to me!