Dress up That E-Mail!

I don't claim to be a master stationery maker.  I dabble.  But I do have a few X-Files related stationery that you might like.  If you use Outlook Express you can use these.  There are no mailto buttons in the stationery.  If you want one you can add it yourself.  Sven's Stationery is the best place to go for instructions.

These are the pictures available in the stationery.  Most of them are images scrolling on the left hand side against a colored background.  One or two don't scroll and most include some kind of sound.  Click on the picture to download the stationery.  If you want an idea of how the stationery will look when you're using it click where it says preview.  Any preview with the musical notes next to them have music included so you might want to adjust your sound level.  If you're using Netscape I'm afraid you won't be able to hear the embedded sound I use FrontPage to do the site which tends to do things that'll work in Internet Explorer but not necessarily navigator and I haven't figured out how to get the sound to play for both browsers.

This stationery has music!Preview
The Lone Gunmen
This stationery has music! Preview
Mystery Man
This stationery has sound! Preview

NL Collage
This stationery has music! Preview

This stationery has music! Preview
Unholy Alliance
This Stationery has sound! Preview


Muchas gracias to Tiny Dancer without whom I would not have gotten my hands on the midi used in some of the stationery.

All the stationery is in zip format so you'll need something to open it up with.  You can get one at winzip for cheap.

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