At Mulder's Home and Home Away From Home

Yeah I know that these people like to watch my every move but surely they won't go looking for me at my favorite hang out. So why don't you just tell me what's going on. What do you mean you guess?

Scully:  Why did they assign me to you in the first place, Mulder?  To debunk your work, to rein you in, to shut you down...

Mulder:  But you saved me!  As difficult and as frustrating as it's been sometimes, your goddamned strict rationalism and science have saved me a thousand times over!  You've kept me honest... you've made me a whole person.  I owe you everything... Scully, and you owe me nothing.  I don't know if I wanna do this alone... I don't even know if I can ... and if I quit now, they win.

This is a very nice speech.  And I'm sure he meant it and all but we all know that he'll promptly forget his pretty words as soon as Scully disagrees with him.  (Which will be in the next episode.)

General Punkesque Behavior

"Trust no one" remember Mulder?  Why are you talking to this man who you only met because he approached you when you had your pants down so to speak, about what you found.  How do you know that he's not feeding the info back to old Smokey or the Well-Manicured Man?

Why is he hooking up with Kurtzweil at the bar where they'd first met?  Did it not occur to him that if he wanted to keep his rendezvous with Kurtzweil a secret they'd find another place to meet than one of Mulder's habitual hang outs?

Mulder can be one manipulative son of a bitch.  For all these years Mulder has treated Scully rather badly.  He assumes she'll cover his sorry ass, he ditches her, he openly tells her she's too close to a case when he's been known to run off half cocked because someone may have information on his sister and he's not too generous with the pleases and thank you's so when Scully's about to leave he runs a major guilt trip on her to get her to stay.  It's a beautiful speech too.  Unfortunately, as I will document in the first episode of season six all those nice words will be completely forgotten.

Telling the "paramedics" about the bee that stung Scully possibly carrying a virus.  Had these been the real paramedics they'd probably have gotten the old straitjacket for Mulder upon hearing that story.

I hope Byers wasn't too attached to his jacket since Mulder saw fit to toss it in the garbage.  That's not a nice thing to do to something that belongs to one's friends.

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