
We have GOT to get a closer look at this ritual. I'll go in and leave you behind so there'll be no tangible proof when I tell my next wild tale. "I know what I saw Scully, and I saw you about to do the wild thing with some stranger."

Don't you just want to smack Mulder sometimes?

General Punkesque Behavior

Not getting a 4x4 vehicle.  The guy in the store did warn him about the road.  Would it have been so hard to go back to the rental place?

Apparently, it takes Mulder awhile to learn his lesson.  One would think after the bile incident in "Squeeze" that he'd have learned his lesson about sticking his hands into things about which he has no clue without gloves.  But as we see in this episode he hasn't.

Okay, I understand that Mulder was sneaking around the Kindred's place so he isn't inclined to yell and give away the fact he was there.  However, I generally don't find whispering to be an effective way to call someone when you're outside of a building and the person you're looking for is on the second floor of said building.  (Before you start saying that Mulder was probably looking for her around the building, he did look up at the lighted window in the darkened house.)

Interrupting Scully in the middle of her attempt to find a more rational explanation of what they are looking for than gender changing people by bringing up the fact that Scully almost ended up in bed with one of them.  Real smooth move Mulder.  I'm sure it was very effective.

Criminal Activity

Littering:  Good thing Scully was there to catch that wadded up map.

Trespassing:  Going back for a "little look see" without permission or a warrant is called trespassing.  Tsk, tsk, Mulder!

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