Musings of a Cigarette-Smoking Man

CSM listens as Mulder potentially pisses of three of the few friends he actually has.

Byers:  The acoustic correlator is reading only passive sounds.

Mulder:  I've been here twenty minutes and I still don't know what the hell is wrong!  No one would kill you, Frohike, you're just a little puppy-dog.

Frohike:  I don't utter another syllable until the CSM-twenty-five countermeasure filter is activated.

Frohike is wise to want countermeasures.  Look at what happened to Scully's sister and she wasn't involved in the whole mess at all.

Mulder doesn't appear in this episode at all.  He makes his appearance as a voice through a speaker and still he manages to misbehave.

General Punkesque Behavior

Snapping at the Lone Gunmen because they didn't get to the point fast enough.  Mulder knows them well enough by now to know how they work.  Snapping at them isn't going to help any.  Besides, Mulder doesn't have many friends there's no point in snapping at the few he does have.

I could go on about Mulder's behavior toward Scully when they first meet but I already went over that in the Season One Punkisms.

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