Never Again

Mulder pitches a fit after hearing Scully's take on his contact. He'd mistaken himself for her surpervisor and didn't expect a refusal.

Scully:  Mulder, there is no x-file.  Your contact is connected to the Vorofskoi Mir, extortion, credit fraud, cons, he is nothing but a swindler.

Mulder:  How do you know?

Scully:  What do you mean, how do I know?  You assigned me the background check.  I did as told, as always.

This is the episode I always point the Mulderites to when they ask about examples of him being a Punk.  This episode is rather Mulder light (in comparison to how the episodes had been up to this point.) yet he manages to act like a Punk in every appearance he makes.

One would think that after all those years of working together that he would have some clue as to how Scully's moods are and would have realized that something was wrong but no!  He is completely oblivious.  Not everything is about you Mulder!

General Punkesque Behavior

At Scully's inquiry as to why she doesn't have a desk Mulder's response is to crack wise when it was clear that Scully was not in the mood for the crack.  Actually after all those years you'd think he'd get around to putting Scully's name on the damn door.

Condescending!Mulder rears his ugly head.  That comment about the multimedia show to keep her interest was completely uncalled for.  That contact was babbling like a brook and made little if any sense.  I wouldn't blame Scully for leaving mid babble.  Especially at 2 o'clock in the morning.

Taking it upon himself to plan Scully's activities while he is away on vacation as though she couldn't figure out how to keep busy without him:  He actually had the nerve to act surprised when she said she wouldn't do it.

"You were just assigned?"  Scully has been kidnapped, her sister was murdered, her career threatened all while on the X-Files and she still works by his side.  How dare Mulder downplay her role in the division by saying she was "just assigned!"

Ignoring Scully's assessment of his contact:  What she's not allowed to have a differing opinion?  As it turned out she was right.

Questioning Scully's judgment about the case.  How does Scully know that it's not an X-File?  Because she investigated the case and ran the background checks you Punk!

Getting mad because he think Scully's going out on a date.  It's not like he's taking her anywhere, she can go out with whomever she pleases.

Constantly calling Scully to check up on her:  What you don't trust your partner's ability to do the job?

The congratulations comment about making two personal appearances in the X-Files was completely unnecessary.

After everything Scully told him before he left for his vacation he still doesn't get it.  He has the nerve to ask if it's because he wouldn't get her a desk.  Why the hell would Scully be annoyed about the direction of her life based on a stupid desk?

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