Also Volla. Listed by Snorri as one of the twelve major goddesses, she appears mainly to function as Frigg's maid, taking care of the goddess's shoes. She also sometimes functions as Frigg's messenger. Some believe she is Frigg's sister. Snorri says she is a virgin with long golden hair who wears a gold band around her head. It has been suggested that this band represents the binding around a sheaf of grain, suggesting a possible role as a fertility goddess.When Hermod rode to Helheim to ask Hel if Baldr could return to Asgard, Nanna gave him a gold ring to give to Fulla, among other gifts. Fulla is called a maid of Frigg in "The Lay of Gimnir" in the Poetic Edda, and is sent on an errand by Frigg. There is also mention of Fulla in Gisla saga Surssonar:
My Fulla, fair faced, the goddess of stones
Who gladdens me much, shall hear of her friend
Standing straight, unafraid in the rain of the spears...
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