Konnichi-wa tomodachi! (hello friends) Thanx for visiting my web page and caring enough to look at who would put so much time and energy into making one about Sailor Moon.  

Name: Leslie Erin
Age: 17
Height: 5'5"
Hair: Reddish Brown
Birthday: May 21
Sign: Gemini
Country: Canada
Heritage: Ukrainian on my dad's side, and Scottish and English on my mom's side
Family: Mom, Dad and Mike
Schooling: Grade 12

Sports: fast ball, volleyball, badminton, biking, bowling, and I love to watch basketball. 

Hobbies: Japanimation, drawing,  and reading historical romances

Things that Annoy me:

    1. People who say "sorry" all the time
    2. My brother who puts his underwear on my head
    3. My computer that likes to crash about every four months
    4. People who say, "I seen it" (Bad English Period)
    5. Waking up in the Morning
    6. People who copy my ideas
    7. Hypocritical people
    8. School
    9. When people say they are going to call, but don't
  10. Indecisive people

Things that I Like:

    1. Heather (she's better then a sister caus i can get rid of her when she annoys me) And of course Jamie. The both occupy my heart, just at different corners, or they'd kill each other. ;-)
    2. My friends (they are second caus they piss me off sometimes)
    3. Art <---------Click here to see my own art
    4. Anime
    5. Spending Money
    6. Driving
    7. My CD Player
    8. My Bike
    9. Volleyball
  10. Making Money

    The love of my life, the joy of my being and the coffee in sugar, my boyfriend James.   We have been dating for what seems like years...and it has only been a year.  People of course say that we are young...and give us all the puppy love bull shit about how we really aren't that much in love and that it is all infatuation. Well, all you people....I AM IN LOVE. I just thought I would make this global declaration because it is important to me. Also...it is something I would have never thought would happen to me...but it did...and it came in the guise of my studly man James. Now, why is Jamie so great? I could list thousands of reasons...but here are the main ones:  on our first date...he made me a candle lit dinner, kicked his parents and sister out of the house. A very good start, wouldn't you say? Another is that he works the grave yard shift, so seeing him during day light hours is sorta tough, so he hops on the bus and takes the 1 hour ride over to my house just so he can wake me up in the morning.  That is just an small example of why I love him so much. With out him...I prolly would have failed math, never have played Final Fantasy VII and never knew what it felt like to be cherished. If this is just puppy love, then I would like to see someone that is happier then James and me.

     My best friend, Heather, of 17 years. That's a long time when u're almost 18 yourself. We have been friends from the womb, and hopefully for as long as heavenly possible. Where would I be with out her guidance and friendship? Probably a lot better off....JUST KIDDING. She and I are in this anime obsession together. We try and out do each other and it helps to keep out the boredom that sometimes goes along with collecting stuff. She has helped me a lot with some of my anime facts, so she deserves space on here too (she deserves space just because she has put up with me for so long)

      One more thank you has to go out to Minh Tran. He has helped me more then I can say with this stupid page. I am, by no means, a computer expert, not to mention the fact that I was absolutely clueless on how to upload all my files. So he helped me. He's a royal pain in the ass himself, but we are all at times. Thanks Minty!

    What else can I say? How did I start watching Sailor Moon? Well I was over at my friend's house for lunch (she has cable, i don't) and SM came on. Because of the different animation, at first I thought it was French, but then I happen to notice the Japanese Kanji.  Since I was going to be taking Japanese, I thought i'd watch it a little more. I soon started taping it 'caus its on at 8:30 in the morning and I have to be at school at 8:30. I now have the entire North American series on tape and I own the SailormoonR movie, the  five last episodes of R and the first four of S. I have about 30 posters hanging up on my wall, the NA version and the Pretty Song Collection are constantly in my CD player, the stickers are everywhere and I have over 140 cards (my friends have more though). Obsession? I think so. This is my first hobby at collecting things. I have been doing it since a little before Christmas '96. I can also speak a little Japanese. This upcoming school year, i will be taking my Japanese 30 and I will hopefully be going to Japan as an exchange student.

            Well that's that. You now know something about a regular Moonie (Sailor Moon Freak, not the cult) We aren't that different from u regular people. We just like this particular anime a lot.

                                   Sayonara tomodatchi!

   My art is also very special to me. So go take a a looksee. ART ART ART ART
