Home Camp of The Seventh Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry

Company E

The Huron Infantry

Organized in Huron Co., Ohio and removed to Cleveland under the direction of Captain John W. Sprague.

Three Month service: Mustered in April 25th, 1861 at Cleveland, Ohio by William Clinton, 1st Lieutenant, 10th Infantry U.S.A., Mustering Officer. Mustered out August 22nd, 1861 at Columbus, Ohio by R. B. Hull, Mustering Officer.

Three Year service: Mustered in at Camp Dennison, Cincinnati, Ohio, between June 17th and June 20th, 1861. Mustered out at Cleveland, Ohio July 6th, 1864.


bulletThe Battle of Winchester, Va. on March 23rd, 1861 was also noted as the Battle of Kernstown, Va.
bulletSoldiers who have no rank associated with their name are Privates in the Army.
bulletOn June 11th, 1864 a detachment of men from the 7th Regiment was detailed to the 5th Regiment. On Oct. 31st, 1864 the men of this detail were absorbed into the ranks of the 5th O. V. I.
bulletThe Seventh Regiment was relieved from  active duty June 11th, 1864, by Circular No. 36, War Department, dated May 2nd, 1864.
bulletSoldiers whose names are highlighted in green represent those men who enlisted in the original Regiment in June of 1861 and survived all three years of service to be mustered out when the Regiment was discharged in July of 1864. 

Brief Alphabetical Biography


BRISBINE, JAMES P.; P.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed 1st Sergeant Co. H, June 20th, 1861; promoted to 2nd Lieutenant and assigned to Co. E, Dec. 20th, 1861; killed during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862.
DAVIS, LLEWELLYN R.; R.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 19th, 1861, for 3 years; for his record see Company C.
KETCHUM, GEORGE C.; ; Entered the service April 2nd, 1861, for 3 months; appointed Corporal April 25th, 1861; mustered out and reenlisted June 19th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed 1st Sergeant June 20th, 1861; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; exchanged and returned to duty March 13th, 1863; promoted to 1st Lieutenant March 30th, 1864; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864; reentered service as 1st Lieutenant and Adjutant 177th O.V.I., Sept. 27th, 1864; resigned May 20th, 1865.
LOCKWOOD, GEORGE D.; D.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 19th, 1861, for 3 years; for his record see Company D.
LOCKWOOD, RALPH; ; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 17th, 1861, for 3 years; promoted to 1st Lieutenant and assigned to Co. A, Nov. 25th, 1861.
SPRAGUE, JOHN W.; W.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 17th, 1861,for 3 years; Under the first call for troops, he raised a company. and reported at Camp Taylor, near Cleveland. On the 19th of May, 1861, the company was assigned to the Seventh Ohio Infantry, which was soon ordered to Camp Dennison. On, the 11th of August, 1861, while Captain Sprague was proceeding from Sommerville to Clarksville, under orders, with an escort of four mounted men, he was captured, when near Big Birch River, after a sharp chase of about three miles, by a detachment of the Wise Legion, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Crogan. Captain Sprague was taken to Richmond, and was confined about six weeks in a tobacco house. He was then transferred to Charleston, South Carolina and was confined first in Castle Pinckney and then in the Charleston jail. On the 1st of January, 1862, he was sent to Columbia, on the 5th he was taken to Norfolk for exchange, and on the 10th he reached Washington City.

While on his way to join his regiment, which was still in Virginia, Captain Sprague received from Governor Todd a commission as Colonel of the Sixty-Third Ohio Infantry. This regiment was at Marietta Ohio, but its organization was incomplete. This was rapidly completed, and on the 10th of February Colonel Sprague, moved with his regiment to report to General Sherman in Paducah, Kentucky. Immediately upon arriving he was ordered to report to General Pope at Commerce, Missouri. Under that officer Colonel Sprague participated in the operations at New Madrid and Island Number Ten and then joined the army at Pittsburg Landing. He moved with the army against Corinth, and subsequently commanded his regiment in the Battle of' Iuka, but was only slightly engaged. Colonel Sprague was again engaged in the battle of Corinth, October 3rd and 4th, 1862. On the 4th the regiment was posted on the right of Battery Robinett, and lost more men, in proportion to its strength, than any other on the field. Over one-half of the men were killed or wounded, and but three line officers escaped unharmed. For some time Colonel Sprague was engaged in various operations of minor importance, In the latter part of' 1863 the regiment reenlisted, of the men present only seven declined to re-enlist. Colonel Sprague always looked upon this almost unanimous act of his regiment as equal in importance, and worthy to be placed side by side, with any of' its deeds on the field of battle. Indeed, no regiment could be more devoted to the country than was the Sixty-Third. Most of' the men were Democrats, yet when Mr. Vallandigham, as candidate for Governor, asked for their suffrages, only three men out of the entire regiment were willing to indorse him. In the latter part of' January, 1864, Colonel Sprague was assigned, by General Dodge, to the command of a brigade, consisting of the Forty-Third and Sixty-Third Ohio, the Twenty-Fifth Wisconsin, the Thirty-Fifth New Jersey, and the Third Michigan Battery. In April the brigade marched from Chattanooga, with the Army of the Tennessee, under General McPherson, forming a part of the Grand Army under General Sherman. Colonel Sprague was actively engaged during the entire Atlanta campaign, and at Resaca, at Dallas, at Nicojack Creek, and at Decatur, on the 22nd of' July, he was conspicuous for, coolness and bravery. Sprague was covering and guarding the train of the entire army, consisting of' over four thousand wagons, containing almost all the supplies for the army. He was attacked by superior numbers, and the contest continued for more than four hours; but by his own bravery and ability, no less than by the courage and prompt obedience of his men, the enemy was finally repulsed, and only one wagon was lost. Colonel Sprague's brigade lost two hundred and ninety-two men killed and wounded. Colonel Sprague was appointed Brigadier General on the 29th of July, 1864. After the fall of Atlanta he moved with General Sherman to Savannah, and thence northward on the campaign of the Carolinas. After the surrender of' the Rebel armies he moved from Goldsboro, through Raleigh and Richmond, to Washington City, where he participated in the Grand Review. He was relieved of his command in the army, and was assigned to duty by the Secretary of War, its Assistant Commissioner for the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands, with headquarters in St. Louis, Missouri. The district under his charge comprised the States of Missouri and Kansas, and, subsequently, the Indian Territory. In September, 1865, General Sprague's head-quarters were removed to Little Rock, Arkansas, where he remained until November, when he resigned. In the meantime, he was offered the Lieutenant-Colonelcy of the Forty-First United States Infantry, which he declined to accept, and he was also breveted Major-General of Volunteers, to date from the 13th of March, 1864.

General Sprague is a man of' fine personal appearance, tall, straight, and well -proportioned. His character as a soldier is unimpeachable, and his influence with his regiment, and afterward with his brigade, was almost unbounded. No one who know him as it soldier, failed to esteem and love him. He was always prompt, efficient, and brave; died Dec. 24th, 1893. (War in Ohio)

WEED, CHARLES A.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 17th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out as 1st Sergeant Co. D, June 17th, 1861, to accept appointment as 1st Lieutenant Co. D in 3 years' service; promoted to Captain and assigned to Co. E, Feb. 5th, 1862; resigned Feb. 20th, 1863; died, 1895. Was escorted to his grave by old Confederate soldiers who had befriended him in later years. Known engagements: Cross Lanes, Va., Port Republic, Va., Cedar Mt., Va., Antietam, Md., and Dumfries, Va.

Charles A. Weed was born, March 30th, 1840, in Lake County, Ohio. He enlisted in Captain John N. Dyers company, on the 22nd day of April 1861. After his arrival in camp, he was made orderly-sergeant, in which capacity he developed fine military talent, such as led his company, at an early time, to look upon him as a proper person for promotion when a vacancy should occur. Therefore, on the final organization of the company for the three years’ service, he was made a first-lieutenant He was with the regiment during the entire Western Virginia campaign, taking part in the skirmish at Cross Lanes, in which he took com-wand of the company after the death of Captain Dyer, which position he held until January, 1862, when he was relieved by an officer promoted to the captaincy by reason of superiority of rank. He was soon after made captain, February 5, 1862, and assigned to Company E.

He now took part in all the marches and skirmishes in Eastern Virginia, and also in the battle of Winchester, where he displayed great gallantry. After this battle, he commanded his company in the pursuit of Jackson to Harrisonburg, and in the toilsome march to Fredericksburg, and the return to Front Royal. He was now in the advance to Port Republic. In the battle, which succeeded, he displayed great courage, as well as ability to command.   On the 22nd of February 1863, he resigned, and returned to his home.

Worked with John Casement in building the Union Pacific Railroad and died in Tampico, Mexico while working on the construction of the railroad Sept. 28th, 1895. (Wood)

WILCOX, ARTHUR T.; .; Born in the year 1835. He was educated in the common schools at Ann Arbor, Mi. and at Ann Arbor College studying civil engineering. Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 17th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out as 2nd Lieutenant Co. E, June 17th, 1861, to accept appointment as 1st Lieutenant Co. E in 3 years' service; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; promoted to captain Co. D, July 9th, 1862; assigned to Co. E, March 10th, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864; reentered service as colonel 177th O. V. I., Sept. 23rd, 1864 and joined Thomas' forces and fought in the Battle of Franklin, TN.; mustered out with regiment June 24th, 1865; died in 1904. Known engagements: Cross Lanes, W. Va.; Dumfries, Va., Chancellorsville, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., Wauhatchie, Tenn., Lookout Mt., Tenn., Missionary Ridge, Tenn., Ringgold, Ga., Tunnel Hill/Buzzards Roost, Ga., Dug Gap, Ga., Resaca, Ga., Cassville, Ga., Dallas, Ga., New Hope Church, Ga., Pumpkin Vine Creek, Ga., Murfreesboro, Tenn., Fort Anderson, N. C., Town Creek, N. C., Raleigh, N. C. Was a Civil Engineer after the war and worked on building the railroads. He was working with Gen. J. S. Casement (from the 7th) in building the Union Pacific RR and others. He died in 1904 while building a RR in Central America. He married Miss Judith L. Morehouse, June 12th, 1861, at Hurons, Huron Co., Ohio.

Brief Alphabetical Biography

Enlisted Men

ALEXANDER, JAMES K.; K.; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal Jan. 1st, 1862; wounded in left leg during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; discharged at New York, Jan. 7th, 1863, by Order of War Department.
ALLEN, HARRISON L.; ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in left leg during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; taken prisoner during the Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3rd, 1863; returned to duty; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
AMES, HARRISON; ; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
ANDRESS, WILLIAM H.; H.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Port Republic, Va., June 9th, 1862; discharged at York, Pa., March 28th, 1863, by Order of War Department.
ANDREWS, ALBERT; ; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Columbus, O., Aug. 9th, 1862, by Order of War Department.
ANDREWS, OMAR E.; E.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps Feb. 2nd, 1864, by Order of War Department.
ANNESS, GEORGE; ; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; discharged Jan. 9th, 1863, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
ATWATER, JOHN; ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted Sept. 22nd, 1861, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; wounded in right thigh during the Battle of Port Republic, Va., June 9th, 1862; discharged at Columbus, Ohio, Aug. 28th, 1862 for disability.
BAILEY, HENRY H.; H.; Entered the service Sept. 26th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal Jan. 1st, 1862, promoted to Sergeant Jan. 1st, 1863; wounded in head during the Battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862; wounded in left thigh during the Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3rd, 1863; transferred to Co. B, 5th O. V. I., Oct. 31, 1864; re-appointed Sergeant and mustered out at expiration of term of service. (Recruit)
BAKER, WILLIAM; ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Columbus, O., Sept. 1st, 1862, by Order of War Department.
BARBER, WILLIAM M.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 19th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal; transferred to Veteran Reserve Company by Order of War Department.
BARKS, JOHN; ; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862 returned to duty March 13th, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
BARTLETT, GEORGE; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Gauley Bridge. Va., Oct. 6th, 1861, on surgeon's certificate of disability
BARTLETT, WILLIAM F.; .; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861 for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862 returned to duty March 13th, 1863; wounded in right ankle during the Battle of Lookout Mountain, Tenn., Nov. 24th, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864
BARTOW, FRANCIS P.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
BEECHER, JACOB M.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
BEERS, REUBEN; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; no further record found.
BELLAMY, JAMES; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
BELLAMY, WILLIAM; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out, Aug. 22nd, 1861.
BENTON, HENRY T.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Dumfries, Va., Dec. 27th, 1862; returned to duty March 13th, 1863; wounded in left knee during the Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3rd, 1863; discharged March 7th, 1864, by Order of War Department.
BENTON, WILLIAM L.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Williamsport, Md., June 1st, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
BILLINGS, ARVIN D.; .; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Sergeant Jan. 1st, 1862; promoted to 1st Sergeant Jan. 1st, 1863; wounded in left arm and side during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
BILLINGS, EDWARD; ; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
BLAKE, JOSEPH; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Columbus, O., July 6th, 1862, by Order of War Department.
BLAKESLEY, LYMAN M.; .; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; returned to duty March 13th, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
BLAKESLEY, ROBERT W.; ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 19th, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; returned to duty March 13th, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
BLANDEN, GEORGE; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 20th, 1861; wounded in left arm during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; discharged Jan. 28th, 1863, by Order of War Department.
BROOKS, LUCIEN H.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
BUTLER, JAMES; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; died in Parish Prison, New Orleans, La., Dec. 27th, 1861.
BUTTERFIELD, LEANDER; Entered the service Dec. 25th, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Front Royal, Va., June 20th, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability.(Recruit)
CALL, HENRY S.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
CALL, HUDSON; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; discharged; no date or place given.
CAPEN, ISAAC C.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered Oct Aug. 22nd, 1861.
CARRINGTON, JOHN; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
CHERRY, WILLIAM; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; discharged at Columbus, O., Nov. 19th, 1862, by Order of War Department.
CLARKE, JOSEPH S.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted Sept. 16th, 1861 for 3 years; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861; wounded through left ankle on retreat from Romney, Va., Jan. 10th, 1862; wounded in left arm and groin during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; wounded in right side during the Battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862; discharged Aug. 26th, 1863, on surgeon's certificate of disability. Attended private and public schools and colleges; studied medicine, theology, politics, and social science. Educated in principles of abolition, and foresaw war between North and South. Apprenticed to printing profession for seven years, passing through all grades to those of manager, publisher, editor, and proprietor. Learned telegraphy, and! received first message over first Atlantic cable ("What hath God wrought") sent by Queen Victoria to President Pierce. Averse to civic soldier life, and when asked to join Cleveland Light Guards or Sprague Cadets. Said he would be first to volunteer in case of war. While at Oberlin was arrested and ordered to prison for supposed participation in "the under-ground railroad" and John Brown's Harper's Ferry expedition Enlisted April 13, 1861, being first to volunteer in Cleveland.

On, "Cotton Mountain" campaign, in western Virginia, volunteered to obtain knowledge of strength of enemy; made his way through mountain passes into rebel bivouacs secured data desired, and reported it to Lieut.-Col. Creighton. At Charleston, informed Colonel Tyler of observations of enemy, resulting in withdrawal from that place. Wounded in left ankle at Romney, January 11, 1862; in arm and groin at Cedar Mountain, August 9, 1862; and in right side at Antietam, September 17, 1862, his haversack, in which was his journal of events from enlistment to that date, as well as writing material, being shot away; in that battle, saw General Hooker wounded and General Mansfield killed. Ordered under arrest for endeavoring to leave hospital before wound was healed, but defied surgeon in charge and reached regiment in safety. Prisoner within enemy's lines at Bristow Station and Harper's Ferry. On second Bull Run campaign, rations being scarce, while eating a cracker was asked by a general officer, "Have you another of those?" -responded by giving only remaining hardtack; that officer was the beloved Gen. N. P. Banks.

Commissioned to visit Washington to locate wounded officers; that duty performed, paid his respects to President Lincoln and wife at their cottage at Soldiers' Home, where he had a delightful talk with them. Promoted to sergeant July 4, 1863. Discharged for disability August 22, 1863. With Medical Department of Army to close of war. Married, June 13,1865. As opportunity offered, while in army, was correspondent of Leader and Herald, Cleveland; and Christian Register, Boston Contributor to many publications. Was clerk in Cleveland post-office, and has held important positions and resides in Washington, D. C. (Wilson)

CLEVELAND, JOSIAH W.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
COLLINS, ISAAC; Entered the service Oct. 9th, 1861, for 3 years; enrolled but never mustered in.
COOK, JONATHAN; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; appointed Corporal April 25th, 1861; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
CRANSTON, ARTHUR; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
CRONK, JARIUS J.; ; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
CROSS, EDSON B.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; killed during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861.
CURRAN, THOMAS S.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; amputation of the lower right leg by Surgeon Gleaves, McDonald, and Searout- CSA on Aug. 26th, 1861; discharged Nov. 3rd, 1862, by Order of War Department.
DALE, JAMES; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
DARLING, GEORGE H,; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
DARLING, LEWIS A.; Entered the service Sept. 22nd, 1861, for 3 years; transferred to Co. B, 5th O. V. I., Oct. 31st, 1864; discharged on expiration of term of service by Order of War Department.(Recruit)
DAVIS, FREDERICK A.; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 20th, 1861 ; wounded in left thigh during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; transferred to Invalid Corps, Dec. 12th, 1861 by Order of War Department.
DILLINGHAM, EDWARD; Entered the service Oct. 9th, 1861, for 3 years; enrolled but never mustered in.
DOUGLASS, ANSON; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; no record found.
DOWNING, GEORGE K.; ; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; returned to duty March 13th, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
EVERETT, DAVID; Entered the service Sept. 22nd, 1861, for 3 years; prisoner in leg during the Battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862; amputation of the right leg Sept. 17th, 1862; died from wounds in hospital at Smoketown, Md., Oct. 6th, 1862.
FISHER, JAMES; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
FIXLER, GEORGE; Entered the service March 4th, 1863, for 3 years; wounded in right leg during the Battle of Ringgold, Ga., Nov. 27th, 1863; leg amputated above knee; died from wounds at Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 11th, 1863; his body was removed to the National Cemetery at Chattanooga, Tenn.(Recruit)
FLORO, DANIEL; Entered the service Sept. 3rd, 1862, for 3 years; sent to hospital at Alexandria, Va., Dec. 13th, 1863; died Jan. 5th, 1864; body removed to National Cemetery at Alexandria, Va.(Recruit)
FLORO, JESSE; Entered the service Sept. 3rd, 1862, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Dallas, Ga., May 25th, 1864; transferred to Co. B, 5th O. V. I., Oct, 31st, 1864; mustered out June 5th, 1865, by Order of War Department.(Recruit)
FOWLER, EDWIN O.; Entered the service Sept. 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
FOX, ZEBAH; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; transferred to 2nd U.S. Cavalry by Order of War Department.
FREEMAN, WILLIAM; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Sergeant June 20th, 1861; discharged at Romney, Va., Jan. 1st, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
FURNISS, WILLIAM; Entered the service May 1st, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal Jan. 1st, 1863; wounded in left thigh during the Battle of Chancellorsville Va., May 3rd, 1863; transferred to Invalid Corps Jan. 5th, 1864, by Order of War Department.
GIBBS, WILLIAM F.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; died in prison Dec., 1861.
GILL, BENJAMIN F.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted Aug. 5th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out as 1st Lieutenant Co. D, July 21st, 1861; reenlisted in Co. E, Aug. 5th, 1861; wounded in the right knee during the Battle of, Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; wounded during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; his left leg was amputated by Surgeon J.E. Summers, U.S.A. on Aug. 9th, 1862; died from wounds in hospital at Alexandria, Va., Aug. 29th, 1862; his body was removed to the National Cemetery at Alexandria, Va.
GORDON, WILSON S.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Washington, D. C., Dec. 5th, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
GRAHAM, JAMES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
GRAVES, WILLIAM E.; ; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; detached as nurse in hospital at Clairsville, Md.; mustered out with the Company July 6th, 1864, by Order of War Department.
GREEN, HENRY; Entered the service Sept. 3rd, 1862, for 3 years; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Sept. 1st, 1863, by Order of War Department.
GRINNELL, OLIVER; Entered the service Sept. 3rd, 1862, for 3 years; killed during the Battle of Ringgold, Ga., Nov. 27th, 1863; his body was removed to the National cemetery at Chattanooga, Tenn.(Recruit)
HANN, JOHN; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross, Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; transferred to 5th U, S. Cavalry by Order of War Department.
HARDY, ELI; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
HARDY, JAMES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
HARLEY, WILLIAM; ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal Jan. 1st, 1863; promoted to Sergeant April 9th, 1864; color bearer from May 3rd, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
HASBROOK, JAMES G.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
HASKINS, JAY; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in left knee during the Battle of Port Republic, Va., June 9th, 1862; discharged at Columbus, O., Oct. 23rd, 1862 for disability.
HAUGHM, CHARLES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
HAWLEY, WILLIAM; No record found.
HAWORTH, GEORGE; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; no record found.
HILL, HENRY E.; ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months in Erie, Co., Ohio; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 20th, 1861; promoted to Sergeant Jan. 1st, 1862; wounded in right arm during the Battle of Gettysburg, Pa., July 3rd, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864. Known engagements: Cross Lanes, Va., Cedar Mt., Va., Antietam, Md., Chancellorsville, Va., Gettysburg, Pa., Rocky Face Ridge, Ga., Resaca, Ga.
HILL, HORACE C.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; appointed Corporal April 25th, 1861; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
HOLDEN, WILLIAM; ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 19th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal July 1st, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
HOPKINS, ALVIN; ; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
HOPKINS, MARCUS S.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; Promoted to 1st Lieutenant of Co. F. (See Co. F)
HUTCHINSON, WILLIAM; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in right arm during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; discharged at Baltimore, Md., March 4th, 1863, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
INGERSON, DANIEL; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
INGLES, THOMAS; ; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864
JAY, CHARLES; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; transferred to Veteran Reserve Corps, Feb. 15th, 1864, by Order of War Department.
KEARNEY, JOSEPH; Entered the service Aug. 29th, 1862, for 3 years; transferred to Co. B, 5th O. V. I., Oct. 31st, 1864; mustered out June 5th, 1864, by Order of War Department.(Recruit)
KEEN, JOHN; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
KEITH, WILLIAM A.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
KEIZER, HENRY; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner at Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; died in prison at Tuscaloosa, Alabama, Dec. 28th, 1861.
KEIZER, PETER; Entered the service Sept. 9th, 1861, for 3 years; died at Cumberland, Md., Feb. 22nd, 1862.(Recruit)
KELLEY, JAMES; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in left arm during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
KELLOGG, BRADFORD; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
KENNEDY, EDWARD J.; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; returned to duty March 13th, 1863; wounded in left leg during the Battle of Chancellorsville. Va. May 3rd, 1863; transferred to Invalid Corps, Jan. 14th, 1864, by Order of War Department; was one of the returning prisoner on board the steamer Sultana at time of explosion.
KLASEN, PETER; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
LAIRD, ORVILLE D.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
LAKINS, GEORGE U.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
LEE, DAVID; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Alexandria, Va., Aug. 5th, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
LEWIS, CHARLES H.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 20th, 1861 ; discharged at Charleston, Va., Oct. 31st, 1861, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
LOGAN, CHARLES R.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; appointed Sergeant April 25th, 1861; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
LORING, GEORGE W.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 20th, 1861; discharged at Washington, D. C., Oct. 6th, 1864 on surgeon's certificate of disability.
LOWELL, OZRO J.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Sergeant June 20th, 1861; died at Cumberland, Md., Feb. 19th, 1862.
LOWRY, WILLIAM F.; ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in right foot during the Battle of Ringgold, Ga., Nov. 27th, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
McDERMOTT, EDWARD; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Camp Dennison, O., June 22nd, 1863, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
McMILLAN, ANDREW; ; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
MANSELL, RICHARD; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Warrenton, Va., July 30th, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
MARKER, WILLIAM M.; No entry/exit records found; wounded in the arm during the Battle of Cedar Mt., Va., Aug. 9th, 1862.
MARTIN, MOSES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 20th, 1861; promoted to Sergeant Jan. 1st, 1862; killed during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862.
MASTERS, CHARLES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months, mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; killed during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862.
MEARS, NAHUM; ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
MEEKER, WILLIAM W.; .; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal Jan. 1st, 1863; wounded during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
MELVILLE, JOHN; ; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
MERRIAM, WILLIAM; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Sergeant June 20th, 1861; wounded during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; left arm amputated; discharged for wounds Oct. 30th, 1862 by Order of War Department.
MILLIMAN, JOHN L.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Winchester, Va., March 23rd, 1862; discharged July 11th, 1862, by Order of War Department.
MILLIMAN, THOMAS; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
MORGAN, DAVID E.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
NEIGHBORING, HENRY; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; transferred to Invalid Corps Sept. 1st, 1863, by Order of War Department.
NICHOLS, GE0RGE; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
O'BRIAN, HENRY; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; discharged Jan. 8th, 1863, by Order of War Department.
O'BRIAN, RICHARD; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months, June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; no record found.
OLNEY, AVERY; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
OSBORN, OMAR; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal Jan. 1st, 1862; discharged Jan. 8th, 1863, by Order of War Department
PAGE, JOHN T.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
PENNY, SPAFFORD A.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner May 7th, 1862; paroled and returned to duty March 13th, 1863; killed during the Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3rd, 1863.
PIERCE, GEORGE; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
PIERCE, HENRY P.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; appointed 1st Sergeant April 25th, 1861; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
PIERCE JOHN F.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
PIERCE, JOSIAH; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
PIXLEY, HENRY; ; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in the left thigh during the Battle of Ringgold, Ga., Nov. 27th, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
POWELL, ________; Records show a Mr. Powell as part of the Seventh but no record exists.
RANDOLPH, JOHN; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; died at Weston, Va., July, 1861.
RANSOM, ANDREW G.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
RAYMOND, ALBERT G.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; his left arm was broken on railroad cars, March 9th, 1862; wounded during the Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3rd, 1863; transferred to Invalid Corps Sept. 30th, 1863, by Order of War Department.
ROBERTS, GEORGE; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
ROBERTS, IRVING G.; Entered the service Oct. 9th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; transferred to Co. B, 5th O. V. I., Oct. 31st, 1864; discharged on expiration of term of service; died April 28th, 1906.(Recruit)
ROSCOE, FREDERICK W.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Gauley Bridge, Va., Oct. 4th, 1861, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
RUGGLES, CHARLES C.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
SHELTERS, JOHN; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; discharged Sept. 1st, 1862, by Order of War Department.
SIMMONS, ANTHONY; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
SMITH, ALBERT O.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 19th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal Jan. 1st, 1862; wounded through hip during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; discharged at Harper's Ferry, Va., Nov. 24th, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
SMITH, EPHRAIM J.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months, mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Alexandria, Va., April 10th, 1863 on surgeon's certificate of disability.
SMITH, HIRAM; musician; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner at Winchester, Va., May 25th, 1862; paroled May 31st, 1862; discharged at Columbus, O., Oct. 9th, 1862, by Order of War Department.
SMITH, ZENO K.; ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months, June 20th, 1861 for 3 years; detached as nurse in hospital; mustered out with the Company July, 6th, 1864, by Order of the War Department.
STEELE, HENRY R.; Entered the service Aug. 22nd, 1862, for 3 years; appointed Corporal April 25th, 1861; transferred to Recruit Camp June 11th, 1864; no further record found.(Recruit)
STILLWELL, FRANCIS; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; transferred to 18th U. S. Inf. by Order of War Department,
STINSON, CHARLES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in left leg during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; discharged for wounds at Fort McHenry, Md., Oct. 22nd, 1861.
STINSON, JAMES; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; wounded and taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; reentered the service; enlisted in 101st O. V. I.
SWEET, GEORGE W.; ; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; returned to duty March 13th, 1863; appointed Sergeant May 19th, 1864; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
TURNER, JESSE G.; ; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 20th, 1861; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; on detached duty at Columbus, O. until Sept. 24th, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
VANCISE, JAMES L.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in right thigh during the Battle of Port Republic, Va., June 9th, 1862; discharged for wounds at Columbus, 0hio, Oct. 22nd, 1862.
WAGNER, JACOB; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered Aug. 22nd, 1861.
WARD. ELAM; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted Sept. 22nd, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out Aug. 22nd. 1861; discharged at Cumberland, Md., Feb. 4th, 1862.
WARREN, THOMAS; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
WEATHERLOW, DANIEL; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; wounded in side during the Battle of Antietam, Md., Sept. 17th, 1862; discharged at Baltimore, Md., Feb. 18th, 1863 on surgeon's certificate of disability.
WEBBER, CHARLES; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; discharged at Columbus, O., April 1st, 1863, by Order of War Department.
WEILAND, JOHN; Entered the service Sept. 22nd, 1861, for 3 years; transferred to Co. K, Oct., 1861.
WELCH, JONATHAN W.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
WELCH, RUFUS; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; discharged May, 1862, on surgeon's certificate of disability.
WETZELL, HENRY; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; see Field and Staff.
WHEELER, SAMUEL C.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal Jan. 1st, 1862; promoted to 1st Sergeant March 1st, 1862; wounded in left ankle during the Battle of Port Republic June 9th, 1862; discharged at Columbus, O., March 23rd, 1863, for disability arising from wounds.
WHITING, GEORGE A.; Entered the service April 25th, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out Aug. 22nd, 1861.
WICKHAM, JOHN W.; Born at Huron, Ohio on February 21st, 1844. Entered the service Aug. 22nd, 1861 for 3 years; mustered in Nov. 4th, 1861 at Charleston, W. Va. he was recruited to replace losses at Cross Lanes, Va.; severely wounded in leg during the Battle of Cedar Mountain, Va., Aug. 9th, 1862; discharged for wounds at Alexandria, Va., Nov. 20th, 1862 and returned to Huron, Ohio. Known engagements: Winchester, Va., Cedar Mt., Va. He married Miss Lucy L. Sprague the daughter of Captain John Sprague of Co. D at Milan, Ohio February 6th, 1866. In 1878 he was elected to the directory of the Wheeling & Lake Erie Railway and served as president of the Company in 1878 and 1879, and was instrumental in securing the construction of the first 12 miles of the trackage of that railroad- from Huron to Norwalk, Ohio. In 1898 he gave up business at Huron and removed to Buffalo, N.Y. where he became associated with the Dormer Fish Company. (Wilson) (Recruit)
WILCOXSON, FRANKLIN F.; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; appointed Corporal April 25th, 1861; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Sergeant June 20th, 1861; taken prisoner during the Battle of Cross Lanes, Va., Aug. 26th, 1861; was held in Libby Prison, Richmond, Va., Parish Prison, New Orleans, Louisiana, and also a cotton factory prison in Salisbury, North Carolina (see Prison Life page for further details); paroled and exchanged May 26th, 1862; discharged at Columbus, O., Oct. 23rd, 1863, by Order of War Department.
WILLIAMS, BRAYTON B.; ; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; taken prisoner during the Battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May 3rd, 1863; returned to duty Nov. 17th, 1863; mustered out with company July 6th, 1864.
WILLIAMS, WILLIAM L.; Entered the service June 3,,1861, for 3 years; died at Gallipolis, O., Sept. 13, 1861.
WINSLOW, HENRY; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; marked "discharged" on roll without date or place.
WITMER, AMERICUS; Entered the service April 22nd, 1861, for 3 months; mustered out and reenlisted June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Baltimore, Md., Feb. 24th, 1863 by Order of War Department.
WOOD, WADE; Entered the service June 20th, 1861, for 3 years; discharged at Dumfries, Va., Feb. 17th, 1863 on surgeon's certificate of disability.
WOODWARD, JOHN H.; Entered the service June 3rd, 1861, for 3 years; appointed Corporal June 1st, 1862; killed during the Battle of Port Republic, Va., June 9th, 1862

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