My Accident

My Accident

“Oh shucks, Huck Finn, if I was as ignorant as you I’d keep still--that’s what I’d do. Who ever heard of a state prisoner escaping by a hickory bark ladder? Why, its perfectly ridiculous.” “Well, all right Tom, fix it your own way.”-The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (pgs. 231-232)

As a child, I was always well liked and had lots of friends but I was always teased about one thing, my parents overprotective nature. Most of their strict rules I could understand the purpose of, so therefore I abided by them. But one day, when I was eight years old, I decided to break a rule. I couldn’t stand the laughter of the children any more so I jumped on my bike and rode to the steepest hill in my neighborhood, the one I was forbidden to ride down.

I had seen all of my friends go whizzing down this hill, shrieking with excitement, the bravest ones with their feet propped up on the handlebars. Now it was my turn to enjoy this splendid ride. I took a deep breath, started to peddle, and swung my feet up onto the handlebars. This is the last of my ride that I remember.

When I awoke, I was in a hospital room and many faces were peering down at me with anxiety. I was so confused, I had no idea what had happened or where I was. Then my mom and dad rushed over to me and gave me great big hug like they hadn’t seen me for a long time. As my mom held me tightly in her arms I suddenly became aware of an intense pain in my head and an ache throughout my whole body. Then I remembered. I had tried to go down that hill and I must not have made it.

Later, my parents punished me for not following their rules but this didn’t begin to compare to the impact my accident had on me mentally. As my bruises faded away the idea that I could have been permanently brain damaged did not leave my mind.

From then on, whenever I experience any peer pressure, my thoughts immediately go to my accident. Now I carefully decide whether my peers’ ideas are smart and safe before I join them. Even though I still might not agree with my parents rules, I always accept them and follow them because of the sole principle that parents are usually right. Even though my accident was over seven years ago it has implanted an awareness of my actions that adds to my maturity to this day.

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