
My Cali Tour

Nicki and I, at the Pacific Coast, just outside of Malibu

This is what the cliffs can look like when there are big waves!
Thank God we didn't have to encounter any like this, but
but it was still kinda scary driving it.

This is when we stopped in Santa Barbara. We still had a long way
to go to get to San Francisco! (about 7 more hours)

Isn't Monterey beautiful!? This is where we spent the 2nd night.

SANTA CRUZ! I think this is where they filmed part of Beaches.
Remember at the beginning, on the beach with the rides and stuff.
I'm not sure though. :-)

Finally, back to Northern California! This is a great picture that Nicki
took of Alcatraz Island at sunset. And to think, she took it with
a disposable camera!

We wrapped up our trip, dining at the Bubba Gump Shrimp Factory, overlooking
the San Francisco Bay and the Oakland San Francisco Bay Bridge.

All in all, we had a great time! God made this earth, so beautifully!!

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