A Place to Love and Belong

by Lady_Chimira

"Zelgadis Greywers, this is all your fault!" Zel was, for once glad for his stone skin, as his wife squeezed down on his hand.

"How much longer?" Zelgadis asked this of the midwife.

"I'd say about three more pushes, ad she should be done."

"Did you hear that, Lina?"

"I heard it all right. It's three times too many. I want this kid out of me now!" Lina gritted her teeth, squeezed Zel's hand, and pushed again.

"I can see the head Mrs. Greywers." The midwife announced this, and Lina pushed again.

"You're doing great. Just one more, and it will all be over."

"I can't. No more energy." Sweat plastered the hair to her pale face.

"You can weild the powers of the Lord of Nightmares. You destroyed all seven pieces of Shabrinaganduu, and you gave me a reason for life. You have done all these great things, and you can't push one more time?" Zel's face was close to his wife's ear, so not to inform the midwife that his wife was 'The natural enemy of all who lives' Lina Inverse.

"I'll Giga Slave your ass once I am through." Zelgadis chuckled and kissed her forehead. Seconds later he had a look of pain on his face as Lina crushed his hand, and pushed one last time.

"Congratulations Mr. And Mrs. Greywers. It is a healthy baby girl."

"Let me hold her." Lina's face had a soft glow as he stretched out her arms to hold her child.

"What will you name her?" The midwife asked this as she handed Lina her child.

Lina looked up at her husband.

"You name her. I've already given her everything she needs right now. My name, my love, her life, and her wonderful mother."

"Oh, Zel..." Lina looked at him with such love in her eyes that it made the nurse sigh.

Lina turned her eyes to look at their little girl. She had Lina's fiery red hair, and Zel's deep blue eyes.

"Tempest. I'll name her Tempest Greywers."

"I'll go and record that. I'll leave you two alone."

"I finally have everything I ever wanted."

"What's that Zel?"

"A place to belong, and a family of my own."

"I love you, Zel."

"I love you too." The two shared a gentle yet passionate kiss, and their daughter giggled happily.

Finally the two travelers who had been independent for so long had a family and a place to be loved and belong.