To Get Me To You

by Lady Chimera


The Song 'To Get Me To You' is sung by Lila McCann. I was sitting in my room, in front of my computer(I think I am going to move my bed here) listening to my cd's on random play and this one came on. I stopped and actually listened to the words, then this songfic is the evil creation of a random song, little sleep and caffeine. Hope ya enjoy.

Well I, I can still remember times
When the night seemed to surround me
I was sure the sun would never shine, on me

Zelgadis Greywers stood at the edge of a cliff, his now human face turned up at the sun, relishing the warmth of it.

And I, I thought it my destiny
To walk this world alone
But now you're here with me,
Now you're here with me.

Zel turned his head to his right and smile at the red head who was now sleeping on the rock she was sunbathing on. Looking down on her lovingly, he just sat on a nearby rock and watched her sleep. So childlike and innocent, one would never believe that this was the girl who could call upon the Lord of nightmares and live. Most of all Zel still couldn't understand why she has loved him for so long. Why she has put up with him, and stayed by his side.

And I don't regret the rain
Or the nights I felt the pain
Or the tears I had to cry
Some of those times along the way.

Zel's eyes began to tear up when his eyes passed over the long white scar that went from under her left breast diagonally to her right hip, disappearing under the fabric of her two piece bottoms. Looking at her he began to let his mind go back to three years ago when it had happened. A fight with a bunch of Mazuka's and Lina jumped in the way of a sword coming straight towards Zel. Filled with rage, Zel had demanded that they reveal the cure to his curse.

"Cure? You actually believed that this place held a cure? It is only a feeding ground for Mazuka. You human's have such delightfully tasting emotions." The Mazuka's laughed and disappeared into the night.

"Damn you, Mazuka trash!" Zel yelled this into the empty air, then turned back to look at Lina. Amelia and Shyphiel were hunched over her casting healing spells.

"How is she?" Zel's voice was filled with tears as he looked at Lina's pale face.

"We've managed to save her, but the strange thing is.....The wound will not disappear. It looks almost as if she was cut by a sword of light." Zel's face filled with shock and regret as he realized what had almost happened, and what Lina had done for him.

"Gourry, take care of her. I'll be back. I can no longer let anyone else get hurt because of my quest."

Lina had woken up in time to hear him say he was leaving.

"Better be back. If you don't I'll Giga Slave you out of existence." Lina's voice was strained, and silent tears fell down her face.

"I promise, love, I promise." Zel whispered this and kissed Lina's forehead before casting Raywing and leaving them all.

Every road I had to take
Every time my heart would break
It was just something that I had to get through
To get me to you
To get me to you

Through the next two years Zel went after every ghost of a rumor for his cure, never really giving up on finding is. He had a reason to go on. The love of his life, and the best friends he would ever have, were waiting for him to come back.

Well I, I still recall the days
When I had no love around me
Makes me glad for every day I have with you

Dreams of the red haired sorceress filled his nights, and her voice haunted his daytimes. He couldn't imagine a life without here there, even though it had seemed like a lifetime since he had last seen her. Then finally after years of searching for his cure he found it. Finally whole again Zelgadis rushed back to find his love.

And I, I look into your eyes and know
I'm right where I belong
And I belong with you
Always belong with you

Zel had followed the explosions and the piles of defeated bandits until he finally found her. When they saw each other, it was a beautiful reunion.

"Zel, is it really you?"

"It's me." The two rushed into each others arms and engaged in a passionate kiss. Treasure and their other companions forgotten for the moment until Shyphiel cleared her throat.

Reluctantly the two pulled apart and looked into each others eyes.

"Lina. I've been through hell and back without you."

"I've been through hell too. I haven't been able to sleep or eat." Gourry snorted in protest and got a fireball to his feet.

"Now I am here, and here is where I will always stay."

Zel's private flashback was interrupted when a yawn was emitted from Lina. Stretching, she slowly slid into a sitting position.

Blinking the sleep from her eyes Lina's gaze finally focused on Zel.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About an hour." Zel grinned as she rubbed her eyes and scrunched up her nose, as she looked up at the sky.

"Why didn't you wake me?" Lina chanted a small healing spell over the parts of her skin that was slightly burnt.

"I got lost in thought."

"Thinking about what?" Lina looked down at her now decently tanned legs.

"The past." That made Lina's head snap up.

"You don't regret anything do you?" Uncertainty filled her ruby red eyes.

And if I could I wouldn't change a thing
Wouldn't change a thing baby
Because your love was waiting there for me
Waiting there for me baby

"Not a thing." Zel looked at Lina and raised an eyebrow as she released the breath she had been holding. "Lina, what's wrong." Zel moved to sit next to her, noticing her hand clutched over her abdomen.

"Nothing is wrong. Everything is right. Zel....You're going to be a father." Zel looked at the woman at his side and then placed his larger hand over hers and smiled.

"I am the luckiest man on earth. I have my cure, great friends, a beautiful and loving wife, and now we are going to have a baby. What else could a man ask for." Lina leaned over and whispered in Zel's ear what Shyphiel's exam had revealed.

"Twins." All Lina could do was laugh as her husband hit the ground.

And I don't regret the rain
Or the nights I felt the pain
Or the tears I had to cry
Some of those times along the way
Every road I had to take
Every time my heart would break
It was just something that I had to get through
To get me to you
To get me to you