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Paperback Writer

I've been a fan of the Beatles for quite some time, and I have written a few things on them. My final paper for Dr. Vayo's Music of the 20th Century class (at good ol' Illinois Wesleyan!) was on the Sgt. Pepper album. I also wrote a review of my trip to see Sir George Martin's lecture on the making of Sgt. Pepper. I decided to try my hand at fan fiction. The result is called Lovers and Friends. I welcome any constructive criticism you might have on either one of these. Click on one of the below links, and happy reading!

Sgt. Pepper: A True Innovation?

Straight From (Henry the) Horse's Mouth

Lovers and Friends
Apparently someone likes my story--I have my very first fan fiction award!

I was awarded the

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Yippee! I got another one! Thanks, Lissa!
I was awarded

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Three certainly isn't a crowd--thanks, Tara!

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