*Hanson Access All*

T: all right now that we’ve sung boodox Let’s do it!

Some man: How do you feel being nominated for MTV’s Europe Music award for not one but two categories.

I: Well l mean it’s incredible I mean to be nominated for anything at all is an honor really.

T: Yeah one nomination is pretty cool. So two is really..I mean we just have to prepare a speech just in case we win but that’s...you know we’re just hoping! (Crosses his fingers)

I: The problem is we’ve got a lot of competition so you know we’re kinda like..

T: It’s kinda hard to compare to the Spice girls (no way you guys are far more talented) No Doubt stuff like that..but nominated is cool enough.

I: Well we’ve been doing a press conference er..today and tomorrow we’re going to the (Taylor joins in and they kind of bob their heads up and down in the exact same way) MTV Europe Music Awards.

(Cuts to Zac and the guys singing Man from Mil)

I: Hope fully we will get to met people that we haven’t met before and that will be...

T: Very interesting.

(Cuts to Zac -’IN COLOR’)

T: It’s an honor to be invited, an honor to be there. Well you know it’s fun to be in that environment...it’s really cool.

I: Yeah you know hanging out with all the other people you know (Starts going off to dreamland).....’Hey IKE’ and meet them and you know... (Zac jumps up and waves to some people)and Zac’s waving to people (screams) There’s some people outside. ((um....okay.))

T: It is cool to meet fans because you rarely actually get to stop and say HI and meet people so it’s fun..it’s fun to actually get to talk to fans and see how excited they get when you take a picture or you get to sign autographs and things like that

(cuts to an little girl who’s holding a picture of them.)

I: Well you know I think it’s really all about the fans..It’s all about the fact that you know that they buy the records.. I mean there are fans out there...wave to them..

Z: If you don’t have the fans you don’t sell the record and that means you’re not popular and that means you don’t get to make more records and then perform for more people. AAAAAAARGH!!!!

I: Yeah if we win I think we will be like that yeah haha ah.. um..

T: We really..I mean that would be the first award we’ve won but you know we’re just gonna have fun being there and the whole environment.

Z: Being nominated is very cool.

T: We’ll see you tomorrow at the ema’s the MTV EUROPE MUSIC AWARDS.


Z: Keep it real folks!