

I: Hi I’m...guitar...

T: I’m guitar hanson...I’m, keyboard Hanson.

Z: And I’m ZA...I’m drum Hanson.

T: Zac’s the crazy one Zac’s the psycho!


J: Cause YOU’RE GETTING to a certain age when you’re gonna start getting interested in girls..

I&Z: HEY!!!

I: Who said we were getting to that stage?

J: OH!!!

J: Anyway listen try to explain to me what it’s been like the last couple of months. Because it’s just gone (makes some rocket sounds)

I: It’s been incredible..

T: It’s been awesome! It’s been very cool!

(ZAC SHOUTING TO FANS IN A CONCERT please stop screaming)

J: Do you ever go on now and again thinking ‘this is so strange?’

I: You can at times..you kinda go WOW! I’M MEAN YOU’RE GETTING TO do the MTV you know MUSIC AWARDS.

J: And the third single is out and it’s a but different from the other two.

I: Yeah It’s a ballad

J: and I’ve seen THE video, Do you come up with the ideas for the videos.

T: Definitely we’re very strongly a part of the videos that have come out so far.

I: WE thought hey let’s take a different twist to this one..and it’s a different song

J: Cause You’ve got this kind of radio active glow

T: A lot of people think we’re trying to be angels or something...

Z: But really.....

T: (Kinda elbows him for interrupting) It’s actually...

(Jamie starts laughing)

Z: But really we’re angels that are radioactive.. (Taylor still trying to finish what he’s saying so elbows Zac again)

J: Taylor is it true your voice is about to break?

T: Well my voice changed during the Middle of Nowhere ALBUM...

Z: I wouldn’t say it broke I’d say it changed!

T:It changed it got a lot lower during the album.

J: Now a Lot of your music has this ja - hahaha I’m just going to ignore that..what’s going on over there! Don’t look over there come back here (Zac is doing some little dance)

Z: It’s the ....(laughs)

J: You’re music has this cheerful charming uh..kinda nature

T: (starts doing some sort of beat...Pretending to play the drums and joins in with Zac)

J: HAHAHA ..BUT in terms of what it is do you think it might change on the next couple of years in this evil and bitter and twisted music industry..

T: ha.

I: YEAH....Hahaha.

J: Do you think you might lose that?

T: I think you’re always......

Z: Y-E-E-E-E-E-S (says in a burp and smiles. everyone looks at him like ‘gross’.)

J: OH that is gross! You see if you weren’t famous you wouldn’t be allowed to get away with that!

T: Actually we did do that and we..

J: If my mom was here..

I: YES we would..

J: if MY MOM was here she’d give you a BIG slap.

T: We would.